| Chapter Twenty : It's Over . . . |

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I stayed in the bathroom during first period. I stayed in the bathroom when I was supposed to be in detention. I stayed in the bathroom half the day. I couldn't face anyone like this, I was a wreck. ...He came in like a wrecking ball...

Finally someone came in and knocked on the stall I was in. I looked down and saw heels that looked like platforms. No doubt it was probably Amber wondering where I was... Or maybe Trinity started getting into those shoes... I don't know.

"Joce? You in here?" I heard a voice, Amber.

I swallowed hard and bit my lip before I tried to speak up, "Y-yeah..."

"You okay, girly?" She asked, I could hear she was a bit worried.

"Mhm.." I muttered, but obviously it wasn't good enough because she knocked again.

"Come out, kay?" She asked.

I sighed and got up. I unlocked the door as a few more tears streaked down my cheeks. My nose felt runny and my cheeks were flushed. I was a mess. Good thing we're both girls here...

Kind awkward if we weren't, but uh... Let's not go there.

"Awww, babe! What's wrong?" She asked, pouting slightly and waving her hand for me to come towards her. I hesitantly walked towards her and sighed as she patted my back and hugged me.

"I-I....it's nothing." I said softly, hugging her back. Even if she was the one kissing Alex, I still needed a hug.

"Mmm... I'm no pro, but I'd have to say something's the matter," She said, pulling away from the hug and holding onto my shoulders as she looked at me. "So what's wrong?"

I shook my head, "Just....let it go, please."

She frowned but nodded, "Well, at least let me fix your mascara and eyeliner... 'Cause it's smeared all over."

I frowned and nodded, going back into the stall and grabbing my books before I walked over to her towards the mirror. She ran the water and grabbed a paper towel, making it wet. She soon looked over at me and held my chin and around my cheek/jaw bone as she wiped away the running mascara and eyeliner under my eye and on my still rosy red cheeks.

After she threw away the paper towel she started scrounging around for mascara and eyeliner for me. She found some and started putting it on my lower eye lid, then had me close my eyes and put it on my upper eye lid. Next she grabbed some mascara and pumped it in and out, getting more mascara on it as she put her pinkie finger by my eye and had me blink while she put the mascara on. I winced a few times, but managed to keep all the mascara on my eye lashes, not anywhere else. She even put on a bit of eye shadow.

Once she was finished she took a step back and looked me up and down, her hands on her hips, and leaning a bit to one side. Finally she nodded in approval and smiled warmly at me.

"Okay, you're good to go. Now don't get into anymore trouble, Joce, kay?" She stated more than asked. I nodded and shot her a half smile.

"Thanks." I said softly, still afraid my voice would crack or something.

She smiled and put her make-up back in her purse before she waved and strutted back out of the bathroom and into the hallway, sashaying about as usual.

I sighed and looked at my reflection in the mirror before I walked out of the bathroom and towards my next class. Soon enough I ran into Alex. He smiled at me and bent down a few inches to kiss my forehead before he stood up fully and tried to wrap his arm around me.

"No, don't." I said gruffly.

"Why? What's wrong baby? Why haven't you been around all day?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Because. Just don't. I... Never mind." I said simply, not wanting to burst out bawling again, and worse... In front of the others as well.

"No, tell me. You can tell me anything." He said softly. It only tore my heart worse. I closed my eyes as my heart tried to thump correctly and my brain washed over with sadness.

"Yeah, I can tell you anything," I started and opened my eyes before I continued, "but you won't tell me anything will you? It's all lies, lies, lies, isn't it?"

He raised one of his eyebrows slightly as his eyes glistened with a tinge of hurt before he spoke up, "W-what do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. You haven't changed at all have you?" I asked, forcing a stifled laugh.

"No... I don't know what you mean." He said, frowning a bit.

"I saw you. I saw you kissing another girl today before class, banged up against the wall in a small space. You seemed to be enjoying yourself quite a bit, Alex. You really haven't changed at all." I said sharply, making sure he knew.

No response.

"That's what I thought." I said softly before my eyes teared up again. I spoke up once more, "You know what sucks about falling for a guy you know you're not right for? ...You fall anyway because you think he might turn out to be different. You know when I said I loved you? I take it back. I was stupid. I fell for your act, I lost the game, but...I guess I expected too much from the school's bad boy. I was stupid and tripped over my feelings. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasted those last few months so you couldn't get girls after girls. I'm sorry I fell for you. I'm sorry anything happened. This is over. The game is done...you've won...again."

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. The only thing that happened was his eyes glistened over with tears. I shook my head and turned around, hugging my books. I stood there for seconds before I took a long, shaky breath and started walking off.

My heart pounded, my mind screamed, "Turn back around!" But I didn't. If he wanted me, he would have stopped me by now. He would have spoken up, he would have done something. Anything...

And I wasn't about to hurt myself worse. I just had to get through today before I could break down. I had to finish school. I had to get home. I had to have a pillow to scream into as the warm salty wetness slowly rolled down my cheeks and fell from my chin. Just thinking about him, or anything, made my eyes tear up again. I blinked repeatedly before I could see clearly again. This was going to be a long two and a half more hours.


I finally made it back to my little house. My heart was torn in little pieces, my brain was drowning in sorrow and regret, and my chest was rising and falling rigidly. I knew it was just a game. I knew he'd never lose, I knew it was a 1 in 10 shot of me winning... I just wish I could have changed him. Changed his mind, changed him... Changed something. But no, I now know he'll never change. Not ever in a million years, or for anyone.

As soon as I slammed the door shut I slid down it. The tears slid down my face in sync as I slid down the door and sat on the floor. One of my legs was up, the other down. I tossed my books to the side and pulled my other leg up as I hugged them and hid my face. I bawled. A part of me silently died... Once again... As I sat there; almost limp.

I finally got the gumption to get up and go to my bedroom. I grabbed a tub of ice cream that was almost gone from the little freezer and went in to my room and plopped down on my bed. I reached over and grabbed the remote to my little TV that was set up in my room and turned it on. I flipped through some channels as I shoveled the ice cream into my mouth, the coldness freezing my slightly sensitive teeth.

As I watched TV, I soon realized I was starting to eat thin air. The ice cream was in my stomach and I didn't realize it until now...

Yeah, typical...

I frowned and set the ice cream tub on my little table and leaned back, hugging the pillow to my chest and continuing to watch whatever it was that I was watching on TV. I couldn't help but picture Alex in the movie, I mean... The boy had blonde hair, brilliantly blazing gorgeous blue eyes... Muscular features... Tall... Handsome... Adora-I shook my head quickly and blinked repeadedly as I looked away and shut off the TV.

Well, that idea was a bust...

I frowned to myself as memories came rushing back from the past few months. I feel so cliche right now, but oh the freak well. I'm a mess. I'm a ruined, broken person. I fell for his lie...I fell for his little tricks and his looks. I can't stop the repeating. I lost the game I started. I can't help but feel like a fool; I knew he'd win, but I tried to beat him.

It's his game.

My rules.

I lost.


I smiled up at him as his gaze traced down to me. He returned the smile and kissed my head gently. The tenderness of the kiss sent shivers up and down my spine, I couldn't control it. I was under his spell.

"Wanna go see a movie darlin?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah sure... What movie, babe?" I asked, snuggling into his side a bit more.

"I don't care... You pick." He replied as he put his hand on my thigh.

"Hmm..." I hummed out, thinking. I didn't know exactly which movies were at the theater at the time being so I just shrugged, "I don't know what movies are at the theater right now, soo..."

"Well, wanna go for a little ride and check them out?" He asked sweetly as he winked at me slightly and slyly. I laughed lightly and nodded.

"Sure, why not?" I said more than asked, but smirked and got off of his lap in one swift move.

He smirked to himself as he clenched his jaw like he always does and stood up. I walked over to my shoes and slipped them on. He did next as well, then stood beside me... Just staring down at me. I looked up at him and locked eye gazes with him as he smirked lightly, soon it turned into a real smile, as he started leaning towards me slowly. His blue eyes sparkled with amusement as he got closer and closer, now only inches away from pecking my lips. My stomach fluttered with butterflies and my heart leaped out of my chest as he got even closer. Soon his lips found mine and locked together. His eyes closed as did mine as he cupped my cheeks in both of his giant hands; each one almost covering all of my face. His lips moved in sync with mine as my hands found his neck and wrapped themselves around it. We got closer as we kissed. The gentleness of this kiss sent chills all over.

Soon his teeth found my bottom lip and gently bit down, slightly tugging. I smirked to myself and quickly pulled away and looked at him. He growled quietly to himself as I smiled and bounced on the balls of my feet.

"Kay, let's go!" I said innocently as I smiled sweetly.

He rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself as he walked closer to me and swept me off of my feet; literally. I was now in his arms, bridal style. He turned around and started walking towards the door.

I wrapped my arm around his neck, but the other arm extended so I could open the door for us. He walked through and towards his car, again me opening the door as he set me down gently in the seat. Like a father would put a little kid in their car seat, only this little kid could buckle herself.

He shut the door and went to his side and got in. Once we were buckled, all the car doors were closed, and the car started, we were off. Off to the movies.

Once we got to the movies, we looked at the titles of the movies.

Thor: The Dark World


Free Birds


The Delivery Man.

"Well? Which one do you want to see?" He asked as we walked up towards the theater.

"Um... I don't know... I don't care." I said softly, looking between Frozen, Free Birds, and Thor.

He chuckled lightly and ran his hand down my wrist to my hand and intertwined out fingers together.

We decided to see Thor, so he got the tickets and popcorn, and I got the pop. We walked to room 2 and sat down in the crowded seats. Once we were sitting by each other we started eating some popcorn. The ads popped up as the lights slowly dimmed.

I grinned as I laid my head gently down on Alex's shoulder; even though the seat arm rests were in the way, it didn't matter. He wrapped his left arm around my shoulders and held me as close as the arm rests would allow. We watched the movie, eating our popcorn slowly and sipping at our Pepsi drink. The movie was...oh, how do I put this? Oh, right... TOTALLY WICKED!

I grinned to myself as he got into the action, slightly jerking away when someone got punched, or leaning forwards a bit when he really got into it.

All too soon the movie was over and we were walking out of the theater an back to Alex's car. His big hand gently clasped over my small one and held onto my hand as we walked along side each other. Suddenly a car came speeding towards, honking loudly. Te driver kept trying to press down on the brakes so it seemed, but nothing happened. He looked familiar...

Wait! It was the guy who pinned me against the alley wall. But this time he wasn't trying to hurt anyone, or so it seemed. Alex's eyes widened as he saw me.

I found myself lying on the ground soon after as I watched in slow motion.

Alex tried to run out of the way, but the car was going too fast.

The car crashed into him. Blood everywhere. The driver still in the car as the car continued to move. The air bag popped open. Alex...


I gasped for air as I sobbed uncontrollably and tried to get closer to Alex.

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