| Chapter Twenty-Three : EVERYONE Get Away From Me ! |

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The next day I leaned against the lockers as I looked into my own blankly. Suddenly a vibration in my butt occurred and I leaped in the air, not sure what just happened. I looked around frantically as I panted, then realized. And face palmed. Into a locker.

Smooth move there Jocey, I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes and took my phone out of my back pocket.

From: Logan | 7:32 am
hey would u send me a pic of somethin hot?

I stared at it for a while, thinking and tapping my chin for a second before I grinned to myself and looked for a picture of jalapeno peppers. I found a picture and sent it to him. I was careful to not put my phone in my back pocket again...for fear I'd make a fool out of myself...again.

Then my phone vibrated again, only in my hand, and I could see it light up.

From: Logan | 7:38 am
Lol no a hot pic of U.

I stared at the text for a while and then had a brilliant idea pop into my head. Off to searching for a flaming picture of a U.

Hot enough for ya? I mentally asked him as I clicked send.

Soon enough he replied yet again.

From: Logan | 7:41 am
Lol ur hopeless woman...ill just come 2 u & get a pic myself ;)

I gulped and narrowed my eyes at the screen, hoping I could burn his skull, but nope. Nope, nope, only a few moments later and he was right beside me.

"Hey hot thang." He said simply, smirking lightly and getting closer to me.

"Hi perv." I replied, nodding once and backing up completely to the lockers.

"Aww come on that's no way to talk." He basically pouted out as he was crawling up on me. We were now out of the personal space zone and heading into the you-come-no-further-or-else zone.

"Yes, yes actually it is. I learned way too much background about you last night you dim witted idiot." I shot back, trembling a bit on the inside.

"Ohh, shouldn't talk like that girly. I might have to..." He trailed off, as he stared directly at me. His green orbs turned dark...like green moss. Gross and dark.

"Might have to what? Ya jerk." I shot at him.

He narrowed his eyes, making it more dark and freaky. His hands found their way to my hips. Instead of leaving them there or going up... He went down. And in.

I gasped, mortified he would ever do that. Especially in school! I couldn't...but he was...and I...Help?!

"That's right, babe. Or this." He replied, leaving his hands in my jeans and pressed against me as he slithered them down an inch or so more before he stopped and leaned towards me.

"Help! S-someone! Trinity! Serenity?! HELP!" I screeched out as he leaned towards me, staring at my lips. I quickly turned so it was just a peck on the cheek.

"Feisty girl. Hot." He hissed to me.

Why is he even in this school? Shouldn't there be somewhere for jerky perverts like him? Like The Perv Academy, Perfect For Jerks Like You.

Suddenly I saw Trinity racing towards us like a mad woman.

"Get your grabby mitts off of her!" She screeched stopping just a few inches in front of us, but standing to the left so she could see both of us.

"Or what?" He spat out, snapping his head in her direction.

"Or..or...AH!" She suddenly screeched.

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