| Chapter Sixteen : Alex With the Jitters |

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Dear Diary,

It's now Wednesday. I expressed my feeling to Alex and whah buh buh bo.

We are not starting out like this, no way. I do not have a diary, and I do not plan to get one. So, let's re-try this, okay? Okay.

I walked up to the cafeteria and grabbed an apple juice juice box, and some food...which...I don't know if it's food, or slop. But it's better than other school food I've seen...way...better. I grabbed the tray and walked over towards Serenity and Trinity. We sat at our regular table and ate and chatted for a bit.

Alex wandered over, ditching his popular "friends" and sat down beside me, hunched over and kind of awkwardly sitting there. I smiled at him leaning over and kissing his cheek quickly, to which he blushed.

"Why aren't you at the populars table?" Trin asked suddenly, winking lightly and biting a bit from her sandwich innocently.

"Eh...I decided to come over here for a change. That's alright, right?" He asked, biting his lip cutely.

I tried ever so hard to not squeal or grin uncontrollably. Ever since I accepted the fact that I was falling for him, something changed. My head went numb and butterflies fluttered around whenever I thought about him...whenever we hung out, I felt this sensation to hold his hand and never let go. I think I'm falling, falling quite hard for Alex. I'm just afraid he won't be there to catch me at the bottom.

"Yea, sure...I know Jocey doesn't have a problem with that, does she, Seren?" Trinity asked, grinning and winking again before she put her lips together and pouted them out almost as if she was kissing someone and opened her eyes wide.

"No, no she doesn't." Serenity giggled softly out.

I rolled my eyes and angrily shoved some food into my mouth. Alex chuckled and nudged me softly before he spoke up with that smirk that still drives me crazy.

"You're cute when you're mad." He spoke directly to me. I blushed a bit and hesitantly shoved a small lock of my hair behind my ear and looked down.

"Aaaawwwweeee!" Trinity cooed out, leaning against Serenity gently and grinning. "Jex is sssoooo cute!"

"Whoa, wait...Jex...?" I asked questioningly, raising my eyebrow in confusion.

She nodded, grinning before she explained, "Yup! It's your ship name. Jex. Sounded better than Aex...I don't even know...Tumblr has ruined me..."

"Ohh, okay..." I said, still a bit confused but nodded and giggled a bit.

"So what's up?" Alex asked as if he was totally oblivious to everything that was happening.

"Mmm, nothing... Just ya know, fangirling over the cutest freaking couple in this school." Trinity replied matter-of-factly.

"Ah...okaay then..." Alex replied.

He was obviously out of his element right now, he'd never encountered someone like Trinity. Ah, I know, I reel in the weirdos. I'm a weirdo magnet. It's amusing.

"You know if you want you can go back over there with..." I started, but got cut off.

"Nah, I'll hang with you all." Alex said, finding his way to my hand that was closest to him and beside my body.

A short electric jolt stung my hand when our skin touched.

Well that's new, I thought to myself as I looked ever so slyly at our hands that were clasped onto each other.

"So are you guys officially going out now oorr...?" Trinity spoke up after a short period of awkward silence.

"I don't know..." I said, raising my eyebrow and looking over at Alex. "Are we?"

"Not just yet." He replied, smirking to himself.

Uh oh that can't be good.

"Ah, okay." Trinity said, nodding and finishing her food.

We talked for a while as I got to know Alex just a bit more. Every day we're together, I lean something new. Some tiny little detail that seems to make my mind fly around like a butterfly for knowing that he actually likes me. The cliché book like romance I swore I'd never have - just like some of the characters in some books... - I ended up somehow getting. I didn't want a fairy tale "and they lived happily ever after" ending... I wanted something different, but I never thought Alex would play into my future.

Suddenly the bell rang out, indicating that lunch was over and the school day - sadly - must continue. Trinity and Serenity walked off towards their classes as I got up and started to walk towards my own class. But then I realized... Someone was following me.

"Why aren't you going to your class?" I asked him as he slid his hand down to mine and entwined our fingers together.

"Cause I wanna walk you to class. There a problem with that baby?" He asked.

"I guess not." I replied, sticking my tongue out at him.

We continued to walk towards my next class as we held hands. But he was shaking lightly; why, I do not know, but he was. I think his palm was sweating too but I couldn't tell...

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Whatadya mean?" He asked.

"I mean you're kind of shaking and fidgeting... What's up?" I asked again, being more specific.

"Oh, nothin. It's all good babe." He said, smirking and winking before we got to my class room. He waited until I was sitting down in my seat before he walked off to his own class.


After my last class I went to my locker and opened the cold metal door. A little note fluttered out and fell onto the floor. I bent down and picked it up, curious as to who would put a note in my locker and why it was there.

Don't do anything today. Just go straight home please. I have to ask you something...something important in a way.

Was the written words on the white crinkled piece of paper. I raised an eyebrow and hesitantly grabbed my books and stuffed them into my bag. As I walked out of the building Trinity popped up besides me.

"Haay girl haayy!" She said, grinning.

"Hey." I giggled out as we walked together on the sidewalk.

"What's going on today? Can you come over?" She asked, sounding hopeful.

"No sorry...I...have something going on. Sorry!" I replied, frowning and pouting.

She pouted as well as she nodded and jutted her lower lip out, "Oh, okay. It's fine, I was just bored and had nothing else to do. Don't sweat it...maybe Serenity could hang out with me today."

"Alright... Sorry again girl." I said, nodding and waving before she turned off and walked over towards her vintage car.

I walked home, trying to figure out who would have given me that note, but I couldn't think. My mind was fogged over with thoughts of Alex. Alex seems to pop up everywhere, sometimes it's annoying, but sometimes my brain loves it. I walked on the cracked sidewalk, the sound of small pebbles rolling away from my converse sneakers were the only sound except the soft swishing of the wind blowing past me. A few cars rolled past me as I tried walking quicker. I was getting anxious.

I finally walked up to my house and went inside. I sped up to my room wondering if something - or someone - was in there waiting for me, but nothing.

I sighed and plopped into my spiny office chair and opened my laptop, logging onto my email. I just figured someone must have put the note in the wrong locker. After I checked my emails, I logged onto my Netflix account and started to watch the new movie everyone was freaking out about, Teen Beach Movie. I had only gotten about two minutes into it when I heard the doorbell ring and my mom answer. I paused the movie and listened, hearing a familiar, deep, husky voice.

Suddenly my mom called out for me, "Joce! Joce, Alex is here to see you. Come down here please."

"Coming!" I called out as I for up and opened my door. I walked downstairs to find Alex standing in front of the front door and holding a small variety of flowers. His dark skinny jeans clung to his legs, even though they were starting to fall off, and his plaid shirt clung to his chest as his leather jacket was hugging his arms. His blonde hair was slightly messed up but cute as his bright blue eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. He stood there, lightly fidgeting as I got closer to him.

"Well someone's quite dressed up." I spoke up, trying to not stare at him or check him out.

He smirked and replied, "Yeah, I know..."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, smiling lightly as my eyes slowly dropped to his chest. The plaid suited him alright... But I've got to stop checking him out, gosh! I'll seem like a creeper.

"I'm here to ask you something." He finally spoke up, fidgeting a bit more.

I nodded, indicating for him to continue. He took a deep breath and got down on one knee as he extended his hand out and handed me the flowers.

My eyes slightly widened for a split second, but quickly recovered when I realized he wouldn't be proposing... Nah, never would.

"Joce, will you go on an official date with me, the player?" He asked. His voice was trembling slightly with a ting of hopefulness added in.

I smiled and nodded, taking the flowers from him as he stood up.

"Yeah, sure." I said, not really sure how to reply to that. He was really sweet once you get past his ice coldness and break through to melting it slowly but effectively. He sure was a romantics tike, I don't think he's ever been this romantic. I sure hope he isn't lying about liking me...

"A'ight...come on. Just what you're in right now. You're beautiful just this way." He said, standing up and holding his hand out for me to grab.

My cheeks felt hot. They felt rosy, fiery red hot. But I couldn't blush too much, but this was just too dang sweet and romantic. I put the flowers down gently on the table and took his hand, walking out with him and towards his car. Surprisingly the stench was minimized and barely smellable.

He's really taking this to the next level, isn't he? I wonder what got into the arrogant little butt head...

As we drove along, the silence was peaceful. It wasn't awkward or annoying, but it was quiet and soothing. He clicked on the radio after a bit and quickly changed it to a station with country playing. He turned down the volume so it was background music. Gosh he was being sweet and caring and adorable and selfless.

I just wanted to hug him and Ki--hah gotcha. No, I don't really want to kiss him, so yeah...


Or... Do I? And did I?

Okay then... Continuing...

We arrived at a little restaurant that seemed to be quiet and vacant - well except for the waiters and people...

I grinned as he parked and hopped out, opening my door for me like a gentleman. He's really changed today, and right now... He's, dare I say it, cute.

Oh goodness, what other surprises does Alex have for me...?


WHOOP! Updated. Well, from numerous requests I guess chapter 17 - which will be the date *le wink wink* - will be in Alex's POV!!! ^.^

WISH ME LUCK OHH MMYY GGOOOOSSSSHHHHHHH! Guys perspective here I come...

Well, here's the sentence for the...chapter. ^~^ not day, but chapter. See what I did there? xD ...No...? Okay..
Whenever I hear ___ I think of ___.

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