| Chapter Eight : Almost Accidental Kiss, and That Dream |

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Alex was drawing closer, ready to pounce on my lips.

I was scared at first, but then thought quickly and pushed on Alex's chest, making him jolt away. The surprised expression on his face lasted a good ten seconds before he snapped out of it and stared at me, his blazing blue eyes gave off a inscrutable expression but nothing came from his lips.

"I-I'm sorry..." He finally whispered, the red popping from his cheeks as he bit his lip lightly and fidgeted awkwardly.

"It's fine." I answered back softly as I put my hands together and slid my own fingers through the empty spaces.

"We-we should get going." Alex spoke up, to which I nodded. The waitress had given us the check right after we had finished, so Alex picked it up and looked at the price while whipping his wallet out and getting the right amount of cash.

"I can pay for myself." I stated as he pushed his chair back and stood up.

"No, I got it." He replied as he walked off towards the cash register.

I placed a tip on the table before I pushed my chair away and stood up. I walked over to the door, waiting for him to finish up as I stared at the paintings that hung over the wooden, antique looking door. The way the colors vibrantly flew off of the painting was amazing; it was of an ancient Chinese dragon. The colors seemed to bounce off of the walls and reflect back almost in a hypnotizing kind of a way.

Suddenly I felt an arm brush past me gently, causing my heart to skip a beat worried if it was a weirdo about to attack me or something. I looked in my peripheral vision, seeing it was only Alex. My heart slowed from its rabbit–like pace to my normal pace as I let out a breath of relief quietly and looked back at the painting before we walked out of the little restaurant together.

As we strolled through the mall, we seemed to stay away from each other more than earlier. The air thickly surrounded us with awkwardness as the idea of kissing Alex kept running back to my head. I tried to keep it locked away in the back of my mind but it kept sliding out from under the covers and back to the front of my brain taunting every inch of me as I thought more and more about it.


We drove back to my little place in the woods with a bunch of new things. But all the while the idea of us kissing taunted my head as we drove along, speeding past hills, valleys, road signs, trees, and people riding their bikes or going for a stroll down the road.

What if we had kissed? What would it have been like?! Would his player charm come into action and seduce me, or would it have been totally different?

Why am I even asking myself this? Gosh, I sound like one of those people on shows where they just talk to themselves about everything so whoever's watching knows what they're thinking. Creepy...

As we started getting closer to my house, the awkwardness broke a pathway for a conversation to start brewing.

"So, you like at least some of the stuff we got?" Alex asked in attempts of breaking this silence.

"Yeah... I mean my hair is pretty cool, and the clothes do look quite neat." I stated, nodding slightly as I quickly added "Thank you" to the end.

He nodded once before he replied, "Welcome. And you are going to actually wear those clothes. It's just going to happen."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't go getting your tiara in a mess." I retorted back while rolling my eyes slightly.

"Oh shut up." He said as he narrowed his eyes and glanced over at me for a split second before returning his gaze back to the road. I smirked at him as I shook my head slightly and looked out the window, getting lost in thought again. As we arrived to the little pile of woods, we just sat there.

Lost in.... Something.

We sat there, staring at the trees as if they would mystically come alive and give us the answers we were asking ourselves. Suddenly the dark grey clouds unleashed their rain drops in a small sprinkle. As we sat there, the rain only became harder – but slowly did it get harder. Finally I snapped out of it and looked over at Alex, hesitating to talk.

"Er... We should probably get to my house before the down pour starts." I said softly, loud enough for him to snap out of it and nod.

He stepped out, his hoodie protecting his hair from getting too awfully wet as he opened the back door and took a bunch of the bags, only leaving about three. I opened the door and got out, opening the other back door as I closed my door and grabbed the remaining bags. The rain that pelted my head and slithered down my back chilled me. The cool breeze wasn't helping at all, but I closed the door and went on the walk that lead to my house.

Suddenly I felt a warm sweater being put around my shoulders as I realized I was shivering absentmindedly. My teeth chattered together quickly as the warmth of the sweater started soaking into my skin. I looked over at the stiffening Alex.

"Take it back." I said, noticing we were getting closer to the house. Soon the furnace would be going, warming up the whole house as well as sending a strong smell of dust flying through the rooms from not being used in so long.

"No, you keep it. You need it more than I do." He stated stubbornly.

"We're almost to the house–" he cut me off.

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