Chapter 2

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Every store we went past, I would reject. Jahmir was able to get the bulk of his shopping done first. It was easy for him to find clothes since he wasn't fat and out of shape. He was the complete opposite. Don't know where he finds the time to keep up his figure. Well... it isn't hard for some people.

We were at the cash register of his third store choice. The cashier kept giving him googly eyes, but he didn't seem to notice her. He pulled out his wallet, revealing a lot of green.

Most of the people at our school thinks that Jahmir is rich because his grandfather has money. I don't know why it even matters to them, but I've heard people talking about it before. Mr. Phillips owns his own car dealership and auto shop. He's even been talking about having his own car wash. When his wife died, she left him everything she ever had. That included her clothing store: Branded. The man doesn't have to work another day in his life, but he chooses to anyway. He mostly works at his dealership.

Jahmir has come into his own, though. He's been in front of and behind the camera. It was his grandmother who even introduced him to both sides of the camera. He tried to get me to model her clothes too, but I didn't for obvious reasons.

I applaud Jahmir in that aspect. He works hard for what he has, even though he doesn't have to. He could be a mooch like a few of his cousins are, but he chooses not to. And even if he didn't work, it would be okay. He does live with the man. His grandfather has legal, full custody of him. When his grandmother was alive, they had joint custody.

"I'll give you your total if you give me your number." The cashier smirked at Jahmir.

She looks stupid and desperate. Knowing Jahmir, he's going to feed into it though. He's changed so much.

"How about I write it on the back of my receipt after you give me my stuff?"

She hurried up and told him his total. He paid, got all five of his bags, then she shoved a pen and his receipt in his empty hand.

I almost busted out laughing when I saw what he put on the paper. She raised an eyebrow, oblivious to the fact that he was writing way too long to have wrote down a phone number.


He made it a point to leave out the store quick before she could read it.

"Is there any store in here that you really want to go to? If you absolutely just don't want to shop here, I know where we could go."

"Umm truthfully... I only want to go to MAC and Bath & Body Works."

"Cool." He shrugged.

I looked at him oddly when he replied to me. He usually doesn't give me one word answers like that. As much as I hate to admit it, he's changed. Maybe he's just outgrowing me. He has so many different things on his plate now. One day he'll probably turn into a famous photographer and model. After that, I won't see him at all anymore. He'll be too busy for me. Then I won't have any friends at all. I'll just have to go back to the lonely young girl I was before I first met him.

We went to MAC first. When we entered, all eyes came towards us. I'll just assume that they were looking at Jahmir. It should be normal to see men in makeup stores these days though.

"Hey Faye, can I ask you a question?"

"Technically, you just did." I said as I went over and grabbed my favorite foundation. I completely ran out of it this morning. I barely had enough to finish my look.

His eyebrows briefly bunched together before he got over my reply.

"No seriously. Why do you wear makeup? You almost look exactly the same as when you don't have it on. Only difference is the color on your lips and eyelids."

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