Chapter 14

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Because we got to school a little later than expected, there were hardly any spaces in the student parking lot. I had to park damn near at the end. It's okay though. Faye told me she had something important to talk to her mother about.

"Let's get this bullshit over with." I heard Faye mumble something as we got out the car.

As we walked towards the school, I took a second look at my schedule.

"Man what the fuck!"

Kayla and Faye looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"What's wrong with you?" Kayla questioned as she looked at herself in her mirror. She spent the whole ride here looking at herself. Conceited much?

"None of my classes are on the same hall back to back."

Not sure if that made sense. But my first class is on the fourth hall. Second class on the first. Third class on the fifth hall. And so on. All of my classes are spaced out. We have to be to our first class by 7:40, and we have three minutes to get to each class. I'll be in the best shape of my life by the end of this damn school year.

"That sucks." Kayla shrugged as she pulled her lip gloss out. "All of my academic classes are on the second hall. The elective I chose is on the hall beside the gym."

"Of course, freshie."

She rolled her eyes. I glanced to the side, ready to ask Faye about her schedule, but she was further than we were. She was almost at the entrance.

Lately Faye has been a real asshole. I hate to admit it but it's true. And why? Because she has extra weight on her? There are some plus size girls who would never feel how she does. They know they are just as beautiful as a size zero.

I mean, I can't lie though... there are a lot of shallow ass men in the world. They think the extra meat defines a girl. They get grossed out by it for some unknown reason. Those same guys would go for a skinny bitch that gives top to any nigga that smiles at her though. I don't get it.

Me personally, I would date a plus size girl. The only thing I would be concerned about is her health. Not how she looks. And that's not to say that every plus size girl is unhealthy. Some of them are healthier than skinny girls. Just depends.

"I feel like I'm losing my sister."

The pain in Kayla's voice made me sigh. Usually Kayla likes to create the illusion that she's all about herself. She tried to pretend she doesn't care about any one or anything. There's more to her though. I hate to say it, but I blame Faye. Faye has pushed her away all of these years. Maybe now she feels like she has to distance herself from everyone. That way it won't hurt... much like it has every time Faye rejects her. What younger sibling wouldn't want to spend time with their older sibling?

Faye... no Kaelynn. She hasn't been acting much like Faye. Kaelynn is very ungrateful. She is rude and mean. Just because she is hurting, she feels like she has to hurt other people.

I used to sympathize with her, but not now. She has to change, because I'm not wasting my time anymore. She keeps on trying to push everyone out the way. I'm tired of it.

Without a doubt, I love her so much. Often in life though, you have to cut lose the ones you love. That way they can focus on loving themselves. That way you don't get hurt. That way you can try and shake away any feelings you think you might be developing for that person.

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