Chapter 38

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"So..." Mom giggled as she paced back and foward. "Which one of you wants to tell me what happened?"

Mikayla sat with her head hung low, while I had an ice pack up to my mouth. I won't lie, Kim got a few good hits in. My face isn't that bad, but she did bust my lip. Mikayla actually doesn't have a single scratch on her.

"Oh, nobody can talk now?" She laughed before cracking her knuckles. "Y'all don't want to know what's going to happen if someone doesn't start talking in the next ten seconds."

We both still just say there. She ran her fingers through her curls as she stopped pacing. She then put her hands out in front of her as if she wanted to strangle one of us. Or both. I guess the baby kicked her, because she deeply exhaled and rubbed the side of her belly.

"What on earth possessed you to fight a pregnant girl, Mikayla? What if she presses charges against your little ass for attempted murder?! DID YOU THINK ABOUT THAT?!"

Raising her voice caused Mikayla to jump. She played with her nails, probably trying to come up with something.

"And You Kaelynn. YOU'RE IN YOUR SENIOR YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL! Do you really think it's wise for you to be getting in trouble? You've never acted out like this before, why start now? I was so shocked to hear that you were in a fight! My sweet angel of all people!"

The disappointment in her voice saddens me. I wouldn't just attack a girl for no reason though! She should know that something must have happened to make me do it. She said it herself that I've never been in trouble like this before. But the principal did tell her that I threw the first hit. Which is true. Nobody wanted to mention how Kim pushed me first. She put her hands on me first. She disrespected my sister. That was grounds for me to handle business. Simple as that. Was I supposed to walk away and let them hurt my pregnant sister?


Mikayla glanced at me with pleading eyes, so I knew I would have to say something.

"Well, we were just minding our business. We were walking on the track when those two girls came over to us. They don't even have that class. That lets you know that they just came out there to start with us."

"Kaelynn." She sighed as she rubbed her temples. "Don't you think I know that part? Why?! Why would they go out their way to skip class and pick a fight with y'all?"

"Well one of them hasn't liked me for a while anyway. She was Jahmir's girlfriend. She would get mad at him for spending time with me."

There is some truth to that. There was a time she even threatened me and told me to stay away from him. Kinda hard to avoid a guy you stay next to though. I wish Mikayla would speak up. I'm running out of things to say.

"Oh come on. You know if this was because of Jahmir, that boy would be over here right now apologizing for it. Better yet, he wouldn't have let this happened if he knew what they were going to do. This has nothing to do with him and I can tell you are trying to lie to me." She stood by the window with her arms folded across her chest. "That wouldn't be wise. Mikayla, your turn."

I wish she would just say it. Even though she doesn't appear to be effected from the fight, what if Nia hit her stomach? She needs her baby checked. She needs the vitamins as well.

"I'm pregnant mommy." Tears filled Mikayla's eyes as she stared at mom.

The whole room filled with silence, but tension was thick in the air. Mom's expression was unreadable, but I have a feeling she is fuming.

"...and, the girl I was fighting... her man is who I'm pregnant by. I went to a party and it just happened. I'm not going to lie and say he took advantage of me. We were both under the influence."

Again, silence. I'm not so sure why In was so nervous. I act like I'm the one who got pregnant.

"Come with me."

Mikayla stood up, but she wouldn't move towards mom.


"Don't ask me any fucking questions! I had no idea I raised a little slut!"

Her words shocked me so bad. She came towards Mikayla so quick that I didn't have a chance to get in between them. Her hands clamped around Mikayla's arms tightly.

She is calling her daughter a slut, when in fact Mikayla is following in her footsteps. Sleeping with a man who she knows has a girlfriend. Only difference, dad has a wife. Now isn't the time to bring that up though. I think it's highly hypocritical.

"You're not keeping this baby." Tears left mom's eyes. "I was a year younger than you were when I got pregnant with Kaelynn."

I stood up on the verge of tears. That's something I never knew. I never really paid our age difference attention I guess.

"But mom, I have you, Kaelynn, and dad. It's possible."

"No." She shook her head. Her grip looked to be even tighter. "You don't understand. I ran away from my mother, when all she was trying to do was protect me. Protect me from struggling most of my life. Things were so tough. Why do you think I've only been a lawyer for five years?" Tears raced down her face. "You girls are a blessing but we struggled. Mike and I struggled so much. He never even finished school for the sake of getting two jobs. Two jobs that still weren't enough. I almost didn't graduate because I had a full time third shift job. That wasn't enough either! We sacrificed so much and I'm not letting you go through that."

Mikayla threw a fit when mom tried to pull her towards the door. She fell to the ground and snatched her arms away from mom.

"Mom please reconsider." My voice cracked as I spoke.


They were tussling with each other, so I tried to break them up. When I did, the back of mom's hand went across my face. I lost my balance and fell on my butt. My hand instantly went to my stinging cheek. I could have sworn I felt blood, but I didn't want to look at my hand.

"Don't you dare put your hands on me." She leaned down and grabbed me by my shirt. "I should have been fucking slapped you from all that disrespectful shit you've said to me. If you know what's best for you, you'll stay out of this."

All I could do was lower my head and cry.

"Mom please don't do this! PLEASE!"

Mom picked Mikayla up and struggled to get her out the door.

She left me there, drowning in tears.

This is what I get for trying to be a good sister. I've been trying to be an all around better person. My reward is being slapped by my mother. I'm tired of trying to be a good person.

I'm done.

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