Chapter 23

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Not even trying to, I ended up getting home right at eight. Pops caught me as soon as I opened the door. He probably heard my car when I came in the yard.

"Son I asked you to be here an hour ago."

Time really did slip away from me. After what happened with Omar, I went back to giving people food. I needed something to occupy my mind. I swear I didn't expect that to happen. But that just goes to show that you never really know what people go through. It's hard to tell just by looking at someone.

"I'm sorry. I just felt like other people eating was more important than my own hunger."

"That's very noble of you. Too bad it didn't work. I burned the pasta so that put our meal back an hour."

How does one mess up something that pretty much just cooks itself? If a person can make ramen noodles, they should be able to make pasta.

"How did that mess up the whole meal pops?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I was going to make spaghetti. Didn't have any more strings so I had to make a different meal. Anywho, I'm about to serve dinner. Come on help me, you've been serving it for hours anyway."

That last sentence sounded a little weird, but I ignored it. We went in the kitchen and prepared the plates. He baked some chicken and he cooked steamed vegetables on the side. This is a meal coming from a man who eats donuts most of the times for breakfast.

"Let me guess, Ella told you to eat healthier."

"In so many words, yes. She didn't like my idea of donut burgers. How could one not like that though? Sweet donuts on both sides of a juicy burger, bacon, tamatos, and just a little touch of lettuce."

Actually that sounds gross. It sounds like it would take a miracle for his stomach to properly digest that.

"There's nothing wrong with eating healthy. Despite my good looks, I'm not actually getting any younger. I have to eat clean for my health."

The only thing that I can find wrong with any of those sentences is that I already told him this. He didn't want to listen to me, his grandson. Now a stranger comes along and he takes all of her advice. Amazing.

We entered the dining room and sat all the food on the table. I sat across from Ellen's granddaughter, only because Pops damn near sat in my lap when I tried sitting in the chair beside this one. I didn't know it would matter so much.

"Hello handsome, how are you today?"

"I'm okay." I simply replied.

I didn't really want to make that much conversation. It's not because of miss Ellen, I just don't know what to say. I've always been terrible with meeting new people. Well, not at school so much. It's not like I have much of a choice in that scenario.

For the first however minutes of dinner, pops and Ellen were doing most of the talking. I was mostly just taking small bites of my food. What I didn't eat, I spaced out to make it seem like I'd at more of it. Even though I didn't really eat anything else today, I wasn't hungry.

They say money can't buy happuness, but I'm sure most people are happier with it than without it.

Some people don't even have this luxury. The luxury of sitting in a nice home, eating a good meal. Some people have neither one, and that's a damn shame. I'm not where I want to be in life right now, but things could be much worse.

Suddenly I got the feeling that I was being stared at, so I lifted my head. Sure enough, Ellen's granddaughter was staring at me.

This was my first time really paying attention to what she looks like. I must say that she's gorgeous. The two features of hers that stood out to me the most were her chocolate skin and her black hair. Not to mention she has pretty eyes.

Can't always trust a pretty face though.

"You're so quiet... umm, I'm sorry I forgot what your name was."

"Jahmir and you?"


Oh right. Her name starts with a J as well. I knew that, I just couldn't remember exactly what.

"So, Jahmir, tell me about yourself?"

The thought of sharing my whole life doesn't sound appealing to me. I wouldn't even know what to say really. My life isn't that exciting at all.

"There isn't much for me to say. I'm just a student who's ready to graduate."

"Oh." She giggled. "So you I see that you're the shy type. Well, I'll tell you some things about me. I'm a student also. I'm a sophomore in college. I'm tired of school, but my family is so proud of me. They're looking for me to be the first one to graduate college."

Pops used to express to me that he wanted me to go to college. School isn't for everyone. I'm sure college would be a completely different experience though. He talks less and less about it, because he knows I'm not really hyped about it. If I could play college football, I would probably be more into the thought. It took me getting badly ingured one time freshman year to make grandma take me out of football. She was so concerned about me. Because of that, I started being by her side more and more at her photo shoots. I was spending all that time with her, not even knowing I'd lose her a year later.

"She has been so into your granddad that she hasn't been paying me any attention since we've moved here. She has been with him every day this week."

I wonder why he lied and said he'd been at the dealership then. Maybe because he just didn't want me in his business. In that case he just shouldn't have told me anything then.

"I know what you mean."

"Right." She sighed. "I've had a long day and I'm really tired. Think you can walk me home?"

It's not that far. It's literally two doors down, on the other side of the street. I can't say no though. For whatever reason.

"After you."

We stood up, staring at our grandparents. They were so into their own conversation that they didn't even notice us.

I guided Janine back to the foyer, making sure to grab my keys on the way out the door. I figured it would make more sense to just walk on this side of the street then cross right in front of her house.

She was about to say something, but suddenly stopped. I looked up from the ground at her, then straight ahead. There I see a devastated looking Kaelynn.

"What's up Kaelynn?" I questioned as I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"Oh I see how it is. This must be why you stopped talking to me."

"This?" Janine questioned with a curious tone of voice.

"That's what I said isn't it?" Kaelynn rolled her eyes. "Have a nice life Jahmir."

She turned and went back towards her door. As bad as I wanted to go after her, I just let her walk away. Janine started walking again when I did.

"Is that your girlfriend?"

We easily crossed the road. After we did, I sighed, letting my eyes fall back to the ground.

"She's made it perfectly clear that she would never date me. Honestly, I really don't give a fuck. I'm tired of doing right by people."

She suddenly stopped, so I did too. When I looked back up, we were in front of her door.

She laughed a little. "Jahmir, the people  who give a fuck always say they don't give a fuck."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Jahmir, never get tired of doing the right thing. Trust me, I know how tiresome and bothersome, but don't change who you are for anybody. Don't let negativity get you down. Otherwise you will be consumed by it; only negative thoughts and actions will run through you. You don't want that. Especially not being so young."

Sadly I understand exactly what she means.

"Thanks for the advice."

"No need to thank me for it." She smiled as she unlocked her door. "Just take it and apply it. Good night, Jahmir."

"Good night Janine."

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