Chapter 29

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Much to my surprise, Kaelynn texted me back almost instantly. She said that she would be up to walking this morning. I told her I would get her in an hour or so. That gives her time to get ready.

We planned on starting two weeks ago, but she just wasn't ready. I wanted to urge her to start, but I know rushing her isn't the right way.

Pops usually sleeps in on the weekend, but he was up this morning. He almost scared me because he was just sitting in the dark living room. When I opened the curtains, he jumped.

"Going somewhere?" He questioned just as I was about to grab my keys.

"Kaelynn and I are going to walk. I thought you would still be sleep."

"Ellen and I are going to get breakfast this morning. I was just waiting around because I know she isn't ready yet."

I guess it doesn't matter how young or old a lady is, they can never get ready quickly. Doesn't matter where they're going. That's why I waited around before I went to Kaelynn's.


"Come on, we can walk out together."

He got up and grabbed his keys as well. As he was locking the door, I looked down the street. There I see a black SUV sitting outside Ellen's house.

"Like it?" Pops asked while smiling. "I'm letting her test drive it. She may want to purchase it. It's her dream to have it."

Purchase it? As in spend money on something? Oh that was funny. I'm pretty sure she hasn't spent too much of anything ever since she met him. Either he will pay for it himself, or he'll just give it to her.

I've never known him to be like this. He used to buy grandma gifts all the time, but that was his wife. He hasn't even been to the help center in a while. He hasn't been going to church like he was. He doesn't eat healthy like he used to. He has completely changed.

"Mhm. Well I'll see you later."

I was about to walk away, but he stopped me. "Wait Jahmir."

"Yeah pops?"

"Do you think I'm doing too much for her?"

Umm, yeah! I thought that buying all of her furniture was too much. Of course I think a whole house and a whole car is too much. He didn't care for my opinion before, so I'm sure it won't really mean much to him now.

"That's up to you pops. I can't tell you what to do with your own money."

"Would you do this for someone you met four weeks and five days ago?"

This man has kept up with the exact amount of time he's known her. Wow. Just wow.

"That seems too quick. But I don't know. Someone else might think it's perfectly fine."

He let me go on my way after that. I went over to Kaelynn's house and knocked on her door. Her mother answered the door with a bright smile on her face. I almost laughed at her because her belly was hanging out her shirt. It's cute.

"Hello Jay. I'd give you a hug but I've been cleaning all morning."

I gave her a hug anyway. She then let me know that Kaelynn wanted to see me up in her room.

The moment I entered her room, a shirt slapped me in the face. As I peeled it off, Kaelynn's hand went up to her mouth.

"Sorry Jay!"

"It's fine." I examined her room. "Are you doing some fall cleaning or something?"

"Yes and no. Have a seat."

I found an empty spot at the foot of her bed and say down.

"I was so rude before about you donating your clothes. I apologize for being so nasty about it. I thought that if you give the homeless things, it wouldn't motivate them to want to do better for themselves. That sounds stupid to me now. But anyway, I've been sorting through these clothes so I can give away what I can't wear. A lot of it is old, but most of it has never been worn before. I'll even include a few necklaces. It would be something pretty for them to look at."

This is amazing to me. This is coming from a girl that never even wanted to go to the help center with me. Now she wants to donate. It wouldn't even matter if she donated one shirt. The fact that her perspective has changed means everything to me.

"Thank you Kaelynn."

She frowned at me.


"You're not going to call me Faye? I think this has earned me my nickname back."

I'm not a petty person by any means, but I was waiting for her to bring this up. I kind of got used to calling her Kaelynn or Kae. She used to hate when I first started calling her Faye. I've always liked it though.

"Okay Kaelynn. If you don't outright give up today, I'll start calling you that again."

She folded her arms over her chest and started pouting. I swear she is the cutest girl I know. I'm not quite sure how I feel about her anymore though. I would really hate to get high hopes just for her to disappoint me again. She has done it so many times. I guess my best bet would be to worry about right now though.


She shrugged and grabbed her backpack. "Deal I guess. But I know you Jay. I feel like you're going to try and make it hard on me on purpose."

I tried my best not to smirk. Right, she does know me. I want to take her somewhere neither of us have been in years.

"You won't know if you stay in this room all day." I said as I got up and headed towards the door.

"Have a good day y'all. I love you KaeKae."

"You too Ms. Marsha."

I stopped in the doorway, causing Kaelynn to bump into me.

"What Jay?"

I simply stood there until I heard her smack. I turned to her and folded my arms, mimicing her. Marsha frowned and walked into the kitchen.

"She missed my appointment when she promised to come with me."

That was two weeks ago! She has so much work to do. It's sad.

"She's pregnant Kaelynn. Pregnancy brain. Even I know that and I got a di..."


I blinked multiple times before shrugging. As a woman, Kaelynn should really know more about women.

"Look I don't expect you to become a better person overnight. Nobody can truly do that. Sometimes you have to let go of small things though. I know that hurt your feelings. I understand. But you still went and got what you needed from it. It was a successful visit, so all is well. Don't do your mama like that."

Knowing Kaelynn, she probably hasn't been talking to her since then. It's not healthy at all to build a grudge over the smallest things.

Kaelynn turned towards the kitchen. "MOM!"

Marsha came to the door, trying to pull her small shirt down. "Yes baby?"

Kaelynn went over to her and hugged her. "I love you both. See you later."

After those words, we left.

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