Chapter 56 (reupload)

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Every New Year's Eve, pops makes us bring it in in church. He feels like that's the safest place we can be. Given that churches have been shot up, I disagree. The past few years have proven that you literally can't be completely safe anywhere. He still feel it's neccessary to go to church though.

As I jogged down the stairs, I heard voices from the kitchen. I went into the kitchen to see Kelly sitting at the island eating Christmas leftovers. Pops was also in the kitchen, leaning against a counter. I can't bare to eat any more left overs at this point.

When she seen me, an uneasy feeling came over me. In that moment, I knew something wasn't right. It felt like I walked in on something I wasn't supposed to. They weren't doing anything though. They were talking about something until they heard me come in.

"Hey Jahmir. Umm, have a seat." She said as she picked at her food.

I hesitantly went over and sat beside her. Pops came closer to the island, and that's when I noticed his playful mood was completely gone. In all my years of knowing him, he's almost always in a really playful mood. For him to be this serious, I know this conversation will be a hard pill to swallow.

"Son..." he sighed. "Kelly has been wanting to tell you something for a while now, but she hasn't because of a lot of different factors."

My heart started beating faster as I thought about the help center. There's supposed to be another one being built right now. I hope everything is going well with it. "The help center isn't closing is it?"

My question caused both of them to instantly tear up. I'm genuinely concerned because so many people need that place. Helping people has always been a passion of mine.

"So selfless." Kelly said as she put her fork down. She grabbed my hands and looked deeply into my eyes. "That's not it honey."

She looked to pops and pops motioned for her to keep going. In that moment, something in my mind clicked. I have a feeling I know the jist of what she is about to tell me.

"Well... the reason Valorie gave you for sending you to live with your grandparents wasn't true. That isn't even the ultimate lie she told you though."

I looked over at pops, confused as ever. Why would Kelly even know anything about that conversation? She is taking forever to say what she needs to say, but in my heart I really know what's coming now. It's something that I've felt since the first day I met her. I'm glad my first thought was wrong, because I thought maybe pops and Kelly had been secretly dating. That's a far fetched idea, but crazier things have happened.

"Jahmir..." Kelly regained my attention. "I don't even know how to explain this. Valorie never had any custody of you. That's why she sent you to live with your grandparents. Your father won sole custody over you when I was deemed an unfit parent."

The lies. The fucking lies. I'm so tired of being lied to. So this whole time, Valorie despised me because I wasn't really hers. I never felt like I was. I'm just an eighteen year old mistake to her. Now it makes perfect sense as to why she was trying to make money off of me. She feels as though I owe her something, but I don't. I didn't ask to be born, and I damn sure didn't ask to cross her path.

"So, you're my mother?" I asked, feeling a tear creep down my face.

"Yes." Kelly burst into tears as she stood up and hugged me. "It feels so good to say that you are my son!"

I'd been dreaming of this day. The day I found out that Valorie wasn't my mother. I have to say I'm really disappointed at how this all has played out though. Kelly has been knowing me for years. Instead of letting me be mentally and physically abused by Valorie, she could have told me the truth a long time ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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