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It had been 2 hours since I had picked up the phone to talk to Ali, and I can officially say I've never been so happy to speak to my best friend. After a mouthful of words and out of breath sentences I had finally explained my whole story to her.

"You're serious?!" She exclaimed, her voice screeching down the line causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

Sighing, I gave a slight chuckle, "Yes, Ali I'm dead serious, my life has literally been flipped upside down, but yet I'm surviving," I said, plopping down on my soft mattress, gazing out the window, taking in the clear blue sky outside.

"Flipped upside down? Hun, that's an understatement, I literally thought you had been kidnapped or something, I hadn't heard from you in months," she sighed, I imagined her running her hands through her hair in exasperation.

"But, you managed to get yourself a piece of dangerous man-candy huh?" she teased, her tone changing instantly causing a sly smirk to cross my face.

"Maybe," I murmured, running my fingers through my thick hair.

"Maybe my ass, tell me everything about him, does he have a brother?" she asked enthusiastically.

Laughing, I shook my head, Typical Ali..

Humming in thought, I laid down on my back, my hair sprawling across the bed in black waves, my back suddenly supported by a surface of clouds, the bed sheets sweet linen smell made it's way into my nose as I brushed my fingers against the soft cover.

"He's, just everything I need, charismatic, humorous, sweet," I breathed out, "His smile is so contagious , his eyes are something I can get lost in, his embrace makes me feel so safe-" I began but was cut off by a giggling school girl  called, Ali.

"Someones caught something called LOVE," she teased, her giggles echoing through the phone causing a small blush to creep up my cheeks.

Exhaling, I remained silent, mulling over my own thoughts, Love? 

"But?" she began, sighing down the phone, "There's always a but for you ,Alessa."

Giving a faint chuckle I smiled to myself, "You know me too well Ali," I commented.

"Come on tell, whats the but?" she pressed, hearing shuffling in background, no doubt it was her sitting up.

"Well..." I began, biting my lip, my eyes diverted to the door, hoping he wasn't listening, "I don't know Ali, he has a lot of demons, dark memories, he's so fragile yet closed off, I'm afraid that i'll get with him to a certain point and I won't be able to get through anymore, it scares me, not the guns, not the violence, just the thought of Angelo pushing me away," I said, my eyes casting upwards to the ceiling.

Hearing a small sigh, I heard Ali move a little.

"Alessa, I'm going to tell you this once, I may be no expert in love, but  by reading emotions I can tell a lot of things," she stated, her voice dropping to a serious tone, scaring me a little as Ali is always the one who's joking about everything and anything.

"From the way you've talked about him, I hear it in your voice Alessa, you care deeply about him so much, and that's rare for you to do, if you've gotten so far with him with his past and what-not, your the only woman I personally know who's so strong-headed and stubborn that you can do anything you desire to do, you care about him Alessa, he must care about you too, if he hasn't pushed you away that's a sign for you to keep pushing back," she finished, her voice laced with so much emotion I felt my eye water at her words.

She's right you know..

Swallowing, I took in a large breath, "Thanks Ali," I whispered, a lump forming in my throat.

"It's okay babe, if you ever need to talk i'm here, okay?" she replied, her voice soft and soothing.

Nodding to myself, I pushed the strands of my hair from my face, "Always, later's Ali," I said, hearing one last goodbye from Ali, I pressed on the end call button.

Placing my phone on the bedside table,  I slowly walked over to my window, sitting on the small ledge, gazing out onto the lush garden outside adorned with vibrant plants.

In the background I could hear Angelo speaking rapid Italian to someone over the phone, his voice sounding slightly aggravated, sighing , I leaned my head against the window.

Why do I doubt him?  I thought, my brows furrowing in thought, my mind slipping off into a haze of jumbled thoughts as everything faded in the background.


Here's a small filler, I wanted to do a small glance with Ali, she will have more a main role later on in the book, but until then she's not going to be as involved.

Anyway, the next chapter is in Angelo's P.O.V to change things up, I might also do a short P.O.V of Alonso. 

Hope you guys enjoyed, don't forget to vote and comment, it mean a lot, thanks!



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