Chapter 11

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I was sitting in the tree when Yamazaki called for me. I jump down. "Yes?"

"Hijikata has called a meeting and sent me to come get you."

"Oh, thanks. About what?"

"I do not know but he said it was important. It would be best to hurry." I nod running off.

I'm the last to get there and the room gets quiet when I walk in. I sit down against the wall. "What's going on?"

"I have just informed everyone that we will be inviting-"

"Itou and his men to be part of the Shinsengumi?" Everyone looks at me with surprise. "I've known for a while. You can't call me an informant for nothing." His eyes narrow at me but he doesn't push the subject.

"Well yes, so it will be important that everyone is on their best behavior."

"Well I know Itou-kun so I don't think I need a big investigation... I'll just make sure to keep an eye on him." Hijikata doesn't protest but nods. It seems he had his reservations too.

"Wait, how do you know Itou-San?" Heisuke asks. I chuckle scratching the back of my head.

"Um... You know how I told you that most of my teachers gave up on me?" They nod. "He was one of them."

"What!?" Heisuke yells.

"I wouldn't have picked Itou as the one to quit on his student." Sannan says are owing his eyes.

"If anything, if he says something about me I don't care. I just won't take any lessons from him if he tries to ask."

"Understood." Kondou nods.


The day comes and I stay with the captains hiding behind the gate as our leaders welcomed Kondou. "I don't like this." Nagakura mutters.

"If our vice commander thinks this best then we must have an open mind." Saitou says.

"Don't worry, I'll be there to watch him. Even though he was a teacher of mine doesn't not mean I trust him." They're obviously surprised by my response. "It's my job to mistrust everyone. It's your job to follow the orders so don't concern yourself with my opinions until they turn to facts." They nod.


"Oh, I didn't expect to run into you here." Itou says when he walks into the room. I nod.

"Itou-kun, it's been a while." He sits.

"Yes, it certainly has... Have you yet to find a master to teach you?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"No, but I've gone past it."

"I would be glad to-"

"Itou-kun, I already told you I accepted that I can't learn."

"If you would let me try again I'm sure you would receive favorable results."

"No thanks. Besides, I'm well enough in my own form of fighting."

"It's not a vary honorable or practical form."

"Yeah, I got the lecture from all the other teachers. Disgrace, no honor or pride. I don't need to be reminded." I wave a hand at him uninterested.

"All the more reason to teach you."

"I've only had one effective master and even his name and face is lost on me."

"A master that young does not count."

"It does to me." I cross my arms stubbornly, looking away.

"What master?" Kondou asks curiously. I shrug.

"I don't remember. All I know is that when I was young I would watch a small boy practice when I was young and that's how I learned my basics. Everything else is just lost on me."

"I don't know how you've managed to retain nothing of the way of the sword for this long honestly." Itou says. "I refuse to believe it. And I am requesting that, as you are part of the Shinsengumi, that you are left to train the proper way."

"The proper way doesn't matter, it's the effectiveness! I could beat you in a second without using the proper way."

"What of the honor in the proper way of fighting? The pride? It may be true but it is no true victory. You could not last a second if you were forced to fight the right way." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Honor and pride do not matter to me." I say darkly. Everyone looks at me in surprise. "All I care for is my life and duty. If I had to choose I would toss away my life to fulfill my duty. In the end honor and pride do not matter and can get you killed. I choose to do something that will mean something in the end."

"Bold words from someone so young. But is that not honor in your work?"

"It comes from experience. But I have no honor in my work. I just do whatever it takes to get it done." I grin at him. "Besides I don't need honor or pride to beat you." He chuckles.

"Well then, it is true you have skills but I recall one man beating you." I tense up.

"What?" I ask in shock.

"The one man to beat you, and quite thoroughly. I recall his name as-"

"Enough." I say threateningly.

"Hey, Sakura, losing a match-" Konodu begins but we ignore him.

"Oh, how rude of me. I forgot that he's dead." I feel the rage begin to overflow in me. "As I recall it was due to your ignorance-"

"And it was your ignorance that you almost died. Thanks to me your alive." He narrows his eyes at me shaking with the same rage I was.

"H-hey, calm down." Nagakura says. I stand up.

"I understand. I'm causing conflict. I'll leave, but..." I stop at the door targeting my eyes at Itou. "Do not try to provoke me again. I assure you, as of now you are a threat." I slam the door shut walking away.

I need to control myself before things get out of hand. Before I loose control.

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