Chapter 38

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~~3rd POV~~

"This is pissing me off." Shinpachi grumbles as he fills himself with lunch.

"Is that suppose to help her? That just made her worse." Heisuke says.

"Demons are of a different race. They're methods are different." Saito explains calmly but he still agreed silently.

"I don't like how their trying to change her. You saw what she did to the Kazama guy." Sano says.

"But he is the one who caused the reaction by shoving the petals in her face and forcing her to inhale it." Hijikata defends.

"If she is that affected why does she sleep in trees of them?" Sannan asks perplexed on the logic.

"She's a complicated girl. It's just her way of trying to associate some good to the bad. She doesn't want to be affected by it but as you can see it still does." Kondou says recalling his many memories of watching her sit and sleep in the trees. How she would pluck petals off and drop them to the ground.

"I guess but why didn't you say something sooner, Okita? She could've lost it or it could've at least been prevented." Heisuke asks the silent male. He grins at them.

"It's like what Kondou-San said, she's complicated. She'll just fight me until she gets her way or ignore my protests so I'll just be there until she finally wants my help or if she needs it. There isn't much else that I can do." He shrugs.

"But she'll listen to you-" They try to retort.

"No, only when she wants or needs to. If you don't remember she was originally our protector. She still holds that as her responsibility. So she won't listen to me if it interferes with her duties." They all quiet, understanding now why she was doing all of this when it seemed so pointless.

"Shouldn't she eat?" Saitou asks. Souji shakes her head.

"I asked. She said she just wanted to sleep. I'll make sure to have her eat when she's finished." They nod. If he couldn't do anything else he would just be there for her. He would wait for her to come back from all this on her own. He wouldn't force her or rush her. He'd just be her shadow for now like she was for him.

~~Sakura's POV~~

What was happening? In flashes I had felt peace and chaos. Harmony and thrills. Warmth and coldness. What was it? I wanted to feel it again. I wanted both. I wanted Kazama's blood. I wanted Souji's heart. I wanted...

I look up and it's Kazama and Amagiri. "Yes?"

"I believe it's best to leave you how you are. If we start mental training it has to be non stop and uninterrupted and we don't have that time. We'll have to do this blindsided." Amagiri says.

"I understand. But... I would rather the Shinsengumi not be a part of this. These are a matter of demons they have no business in our conflicts."

"Is that just an excuse so they don't have to fight?" Kazama smirks

"Yes... I am still their protector. That will be my final duty and responsibility if it comes to that. In return I have ensured that their main objectives is complete. Safety, peace, and a perfect fury. Tell Karou and Kyo and take the vials they've completed although it won't be much. Two is better than none and I have three left. Enough for each of us." They nod.

"I don't think they'll be vary happy. How soon do you wish to go?"

"Now. I'm as prepared as I ever will be and strong as I would be tomorrow. We'll go now. I'm gonna change though." They nod but Kazama smirks wider.

"And your lover? What about him?"

"I left him with final words, if it comes to it, with a good friend. They'll understand but this so my problem. I won't be selfish or weak."

"That is a wise decision." Amagiri says. I nod and they both leave.

I change into my clothes and wrap my mark as usual. I tie up my hair knowing I didn't have the luxury or peace of mind to calmly braid my hair. I took my fans and secured my sword. My last touch was my black mask.

The door opens casting my shadow.

"I'm ready."

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