Chapter 14 - Tobias

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I've just pulled up to Tris' house.  I don't know why I'm so nervous right now.  I guess I want everything to be perfect tonight.  I look down again at the dark blue dress shirt and tie I'm wearing, brushing myself off.  It's a little nicer than what I wear to work, but shouldn't be too bad in the July heat.  I check my watch, we need to hurry since the reservation is at six and it will take nearly an hour to get across town to the restaurant according to the directions I looked up earlier. 

I called Zeke this morning as soon as I dropped Tris off asking for recommendations to take Tris here in Atlanta since I'm unfamiliar.  I normally wouldn't resort to calling him, and would have just done the research myself, but I was desperate given my limited time.  He started listing off several options, and finally listed one I thought might work.  He then started giving me advice on what I did, and didn't need to do, but since his advice has failed horribly for me in the past, I chose to speak with Shauna instead.  She said the restaurant was pricey, but extremely romantic.  She wished me luck and just told me to keep it simple.

I get out and go up to her door.  I didn't buy her flowers because Tris doesn't seem the type, but some part of me panics slightly when I begin to think I might be wrong.  I sigh.  No time to do anything about it now.  I knock on her door and suddenly hear thunderous footsteps coming.  Odd, that doesn't sound like Tris at all. 

A woman with mocha colored skin, dark hair and eyes, and is just a little taller than Tris answers the door.  Before I have the chance to speak, the woman says, "Damn you're hot!  Are you Four?"

I don't know how to respond.  I've never met anyone like her, and I defiantly don't care for her right now.  At all.  "Um...yes I am.  Who are you and where is Tris?" 

I hear Tris say, "I'm right here."

I look up and feel my jaw go slack.  The creature that strides toward me is like no beauty I have ever encountered.  "Um...I...You..."  I've lost the ability to string two words together.  I can't even begin to describe her magnificence. 

Tris steps up to me, looking into my eyes.  Her smile is beyond radiant.  "You look very handsome Four," her voice soft. 

Four?  Then I realize she must not have wanted to reveal my name to whoever her friend is. "Tris, there are no words.  You look...stunning..." 

She blushes hard, looking down, "Thank you."

She looks over at her friend, "This is Christina by the way.  She's been helping me get ready.  I apologize, she has no filter."  Hmm...may have to come up with a way to thank Christina later for what she did for Tris.  Even if I don't care for her. 

Christina pipes up, "Hey!  I do too have a filter.  I was just being truthful."  She turns to me, "You are hot.  You don't happen to have a brother do you?" 

"Sorry.  Only child."  Not taking my eyes off Tris. 

Christina sighs, handing Tris a small purse, "I can't catch a break.  Well, have fun you two!  I'll lock up Tris.  Bye!"  Christina practically shoves Tris into my arms, flush to my chest.  Tris is wearing some kind of perfume and it's making it very difficult let her go.  Especially as I realize one of my hands is touching bare skin on her upper back. 

"You really do look amazing Tris."  Running my hand over the soft, smooth skin. 

"Thank you Tobias.  You look very handsome."  She reaches up placing her hand on my tie, adjusting it slightly.

"We better go, or we'll lose the reservation."  As much as I want to keep my hand where it is, I move it to take her hand in mine.  Leading her toward my car. 

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