Chapter 23 - Tris

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**Thank you to all that have read, liked, commented, and been supporting me in writing this story. It means so much to me. Enjoy.**

I sit down in my car, locking the door before finally letting out a sigh as I lean my head against the steering wheel.  The silence of the car presses on my ears, but it is more than welcomed at this point. 

It has been an extremely long day.  Nearly everyone I came into contact with today had a short fuse for one reason or another.  This often resulted in someone yelling at me in frustration.  Telling me I wasn't doing my job correctly.  The worst by far being the doctor that screamed at me when his patient coded in the gym during my break. 

That did not help my temper in the slightest.  I practically wanted to stand in the middle of the gym and scream that I hadn't had a day off since Thanksgiving.  That the one weekend a month I have with my boyfriend, the first time we have actually had a chance to see each other alone in weeks, was being ruined because they stupidly thought a broken bone would be healed after their surgery.  Not to mention I felt like I had completely abandoned my daughter, because I was putting so much time in at the hospital.  Even if the reason was to give her a good Christmas. 

I lean my head back against the head rest and take in one last breath before starting the car.  I look at the clock groaning at the time.  I should have gotten off an hour ago.  I texted Tobias to let him know I was running late, but I didn't think it would be this late.  I need to call him just to let him know that I'm finally leaving. 

It only rings once before I hear his voice, "Hey Beautiful!"  He pauses, probably looking at the time.  "Are you just now getting off?" 

I look at the clock again and sigh, "Yeah, it's been a really long day.  I'm sorry I had to work.  I've missed you so much."

I can practically hear his smile, "Tris, it's ok.  I understand why you had to.  Just get home.  I have a surprise for you." 

I perk up.  I gave Tobias a key to my house a couple of weeks ago so he could let himself in on my free weekends.  "Tobias, Christmas is only a week and a half away.  It can't wait?"

He chuckles, "Not that kind of surprise.  The edible kind."

"Where did you go?"  My stomach growls at the mention of food. 

"Who said anything about me going somewhere?"

I'm shocked.  He actually cooked.  Then I remember the conversation we had when we first met, and can't help the smile, "So should I have the pizza guy on standby?  Or keep the fire extinguisher at the ready?"

He has mock hurt in his voice, "Hey!  I've slaved all day in the kitchen and this is the thanks I get?" He chuckles, unable to keep up with his façade.  "Tris, just get home please.  I've missed you too."

I smile, "I'll be home in about fifteen minutes.  I love you."

"Love you Tris." 

I try not to speed home, but the excitement has greatly lifted my mood. 


I've got my keys to the lock, about to open the door, when Tobias suddenly flings it open, before quickly shutting it so he is standing in front of me.  The smell of whatever he has cooked fills my nose, making my mouth water.  I'm confused why we are standing out here though, I'm starving.  I hardly ate today.  "What are you doing?"

He smiles, kissing me gently, "While on any other day I think you look damn sexy in scrubs, I would rather you not wear them tonight.  I also don't want you to see what I've done yet."  He holds up one of my scarfs, "Do you trust me?"

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