Chapter 17 - Tris

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This has been a rough week. I had to go see my doctor on Tuesday to get a note so I could use my sick leave. That visit was the most awkward and uncomfortable I have ever had to experience. Aside from being poked and prodded, I was asked so many different times if I was dating someone that abused me.

After hearing what Tobias went through, I know he would never lay a hand on me after what his father did. The doctor said I had a slight tear in my intercostal muscle, but I had no broken bones. He did comment that Tobias did a good job with my dressings, after I told him for the fifth time that he wasn't the cause of the injury, but my asshole of an instructor.

He prescribed pain medication, steroids, and told me to take it easy for the rest of the week. I really am a light weight when it comes to pain medication, so I've slept pretty much all day with the meds, and curled up with Tobias at night. He has been terrified to do more than change my dressings for fear of hurting me.

Today has been the first day I've actually felt decent, and actually wanted to get up and move around. I was able to get some things done around the house, including starting dinner. Tobias confessed that he could actually cook some, not well, but that he usually grabs something out because it's faster and tastes better.  I look over at the clock and see that it's almost five, he should be getting off soon.

While I've been doing things around the house today, my mind couldn't help but wonder to what Tobias said about teaching me Aikido. I agree that his plan has a better chance of working against Eric, and I would much rather start sooner rather than later. Eric will already think he has won since I'm missing tonight's class, and will more than likely make Mondays class a living hell.

I'll pretty much need Tobias' instruction just to survive. The problem with him teaching me is that the only full day we'll have to practice are Saturday and Sunday, and mom will be bringing Zoe home tomorrow. As much as I want to delay their meeting, I may not have a choice in the matter. I need Tobias's help.

I didn't dare show Zoe the full extent of Eric's wrath Monday night when she asked why my eye was turning black and it was agonizing just to breathe let alone to walk and drive. I just said it was an accident, though Zoe said she thought Eric did it on purpose. Mom told Zoe that I was working late all this week and that's why she would be staying at their house.   The only thing I can hope for is that she bought the lie.  

My phone rings, bringing me out of my thoughts. I smile when I see it's Tobias, "Hey."

"How are you feeling?" I hear him shuffling papers around in the background.

"Actually, I'm doing really well today. I was able to get some things done around the house, and take a deep breath without pain." I pause, "Though, for three days off, I still feel completely useless."

He chuckles, "Tris, you were hurt. I think you're allowed to rest. Maybe we can see about starting a small lesson tonight. If you're up for it."

"Actually Tobias, I wanted to talk to you about that when you get here if that's okay?"

"Sure. The main reason I'm calling is to find out what you wanted for dinner."

I smile, "Well, you actually don't have to get anything. I made us dinner. I just put it in the oven. It should be done when you get here."

He pauses, "You didn't have to do that Tris."

"I know I didn't, but I actually felt up to doing it today. I really do feel better Tobias."

"Well, I guess that gives me a little more time with you tonight then. I know Zoe is coming back home tomorrow." I can practically hear the frown in his voice.

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