Chapter 28 - Tobias

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A/N: Thank you for taking time to read my story. It means the world to me when I see how many people are enjoying it. I have poured so much of myself into this, and it spurs me on to know people want more. Thank you again. You all are so wonderful. I couldn't ask for better readers. Enjoy

My heart stops at her words.  My stomach clinches painfully.  I stand on my toes, looking over the crowd, trying to catch a glimpse of Zoe.  Hundreds of people are moving in all different directions, but I don't see any sign of the brown hair little girl, holding a stuffed wolf anywhere among them. 'Oh God no.' I look back to Tris, who waits anxiously for good news, her hands running through her hair.  I swallow hard, "I don't see her." 

Without a word, Tris takes off at top speed in the direction we just came from, dodging people as she goes.  "Tris wait!"  We need a plan.  We need to be smart about this. 

She turns, clearly angry I'm stopping her from finding her daughter.  "Tobias!  We need to find her!  She could be anywhere!  Someone could have taken her!"  She's to the point of hysterics as she finishes, gesturing wildly, and turning from side to side looking for Zoe. 

Tris is obviously not thinking clearly.  I need to take charge or we aren't going to get anywhere.  It's getting dark, and we need to act fast.  "I know, but we need to make a quick plan so we don't go to the same place over and over." 

She pulls at her hair trying to think, but the only thing that seems to be going through her head right now is a desire to find Zoe. 

I can't help mirroring Tris as I run my fingers through my hair, pulling at the roots to try and spur my brain into action.  Where would a kid go if they were lost?  I can't consider this for too long; we are losing precious seconds the longer we stand here.  "Ok, check the bathrooms and rides the way we just came.  I'll start asking the food vendors if they've seen her come by.  Call me in twenty minutes if you don't find her.  Ok?"  She looks at her watch nodding and starts running toward the rides yelling Zoe's name. 

I pull out my phone, finding the picture of Zoe and Tris I took just this morning.  I run down the fairway we just came from, trying to guess where she might have disappeared at.  I see a food vendor that doesn't look busy and run to the window holding up my phone, cutting off the person that was about to walk up.  "Have you seen this little girl?" 

The woman looks at the picture, shaking her head.  I'm about to run to the next vendor when she says, "Hey!  Do you want me to radio one of the officers?  They might be able to help find her." 

More eyes wouldn't hurt.  "Could you?"  The lady nods her head, grabbing a walkie-talkie on the counter, asking for someone to come to our location to talk to me ASAP due to a missing child.  I run my fingers through my hair, trying to calm my racing heart.  While there will be more people looking for her, I'm going to have to wait for this person now.  I don't know if I can do that; I'm going to go insane.  I need to take action now! 

An eternity passes before an officer finally comes running toward the vendor.  I run up to meet him, quickly giving all the information I have about Zoe, including showing him the picture.  I give him mine and Tris' cell phone numbers to call if they find her. 

"Thank you for your help officer.  I'm going to keeping going to different food vendors, and see if they've seen Zoe."  I tell the young man sternly.  I pull my phone back out, and start to heading toward the direction I indicated.

A strong hand lands on my shoulder before I can take a step, "Sir, I would advise that you stay here.  She may come back this way looking for someone familiar, and she might get more scared if she can't find anyone," he states firmly. 

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