Chapter 30 - Tobias

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A/N: You guys have been such amazing readers. I love reading the comments. It helps keep me motivated to write. Keep reading, voting, and commenting. And now for the moment you have been waiting for. Enjoy!

Terror like I haven't felt in years, pulses through my veins.  My feet are rooted to the floor, my hands are shaking and sweaty.  The scars on my back seem to burn at the memory of the monster before me. 

My brain tries to comprehend what I'm seeing.  I thought I was done with him.  I told him I wanted nothing to do with him ever again.  I was willing to live on the streets the rest of my life, just to get away from him.  I worked so hard to build my life to where it is now.  Why does he have to show up now? 

I feel Tris begin to pull on me, trying to steer me away from the person who still continues to haunt my nightmares.  She's saying something to me in a soothing tone, but her words aren't reaching me.  My heart is hammering so hard it's making it difficult to hear anything. 

We reach the front doors of the restaurant, but I have no memory of how we got here.  My body is only vaguely aware that Tris' warm hand continues to grip mine.  My eyes constantly scanning over her head, making sure Marcus isn't coming for us. 

I feel her hand touch my cheek, her thumb running over my skin in soft motions, forcing my eyes down to hers. Her eyes lock with mine, and I see they are filled with blue fire.  I've only seen that once.  When was that?  Something about her eyes tugs at my mind, but I can't seem figure out why it's important. 

"Tobias?  Can you hear me?  Tobias!  You are going to go back to the hotel and wait there for me.  Do you understand?"  She grips my shoulder, shaking it, willing me to comprehend what she is saying.   

Her words reach my brain slowly, one by one, but when they do, I come to one conclusion.  She isn't coming with me.  She is staying here.  I now understand why the fire in her eyes is important.  She's going to do something without me, and I refuse to leave her here alone. 

My hands are gripping her shoulders, holding her so she can't leave.  My father cannot be allowed to harm her.  I will not let that happen.  "No Tris.  You can't.  I will not let you get anywhere near him."  My voice is shaking.  "Please.  We'll call Amar or George and they can come up with something to tell my boss.  We just need to leave.  Please." 

She looks me in the eyes, her face softening.  Her hands rest on my chest, "Tobias.  I'll be able to handle this.  Just call us a cab and I'll meet you outside ok?"  She kisses me briefly, but my lips seem to have forgotten how to work.  "I'm just going to let everyone know that you're ill and that I need to take you back, ok?" 

I search her face, seeing several flaws in her plan.  She must be able to read my hesitation, because before I can respond she adds, "I promise not to provoke him.  Ok?"

I can't see a hint of a lie on her face.  I know she's telling the truth, but I still don't like it.  I hate to run, but I would rather not have to face my father if I can help it.  I've stayed away this long, I'd rather not have a reunion now. 

I pull her close to me, whispering in her ear, "If you aren't out here in ten minutes, I'm coming in after you.  Do you understand?  I don't care what story you're giving them." 

She pulls back, only to kiss me fiercely for just a moment.  "I'll be right back."


I'm outside the restaurant, pacing back and forth.  Adrenaline pulsing through me.  I look down at my watch again.  Tris has one more minute.  I glance at the door.  A feeling a dread flowing over me.  Something just doesn't feel right.  She should be back by now.  Fuck this!  I'm going in. 

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