Chapter 16 - Tobias

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**Sorry I haven't updated in awhile guys, I've been busy. Thank you for the reads, I really appreciate the likes and comments. Enjoy!**

I'm finishing my report for Amar when my desk phone rings.  "This is Four." 

"Hey Four, it's Amar."

"Oh, hey Amar.  I'm just finishing the report you wanted right now, I should have it done by five." 

I can almost hear the smile.  "That's actually not why I'm calling Four, though thank you for getting it done already."

"What did you need?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I just received an e-mail saying that productivity has increased by nearly 52% since the first quarter."

I smile, "Thank you Amar for letting me know.  Everyone here has been working really hard toward the goals I've set for them."  I pause.  "Maybe I'll see about doing a luncheon for the associates next week for their hard work."

"You've really helped turn things around there Four.  I'm proud of you."

I smile.  "Thanks Amar.  It certainly hasn't been easy."

He begins to chuckle, before adding, "Oh, before I forget, George and I will be coming down in September, would you like to get together?"

"Yeah, just let me know the date, and we'll hammer out the finer details later."

"I'll call you Friday."

"Alight Amar.  Talk to you then."

I hang up, rubbing my hands down my face.  Amar has called me every Friday after work since January to check in with me.  I really do appreciate his calls, he has been keeping me grounded.  He wants to meet Tris, to make sure there isn't another Nita incident, but he's already said just from my description she's different. 

He's recently been keeping me from going insane.  It's been two weeks since I've seen Tris.  While we talk every night, I'm finding it difficult not to go over to her house just to see her.  I miss the feel of her skin, the way her lips feel, and mostly just how I feel whole around her.  The problem being that we both agreed that Zoe doesn't need to be introduced to me for a few more months, but that knowledge doesn't make it any easier.


I've just gotten done showering from my workout, wrapping the towel around my waist, heading to the bedroom.  I glance at the clock, 8:52.  Close enough.  I sit down on the edge of the bed, dialing Tris' number and wait.  Tonight was her and Zoe's Krav Maga classes, so Zoe should be pretty tired.  On the fifth ring, she finally picks up, "Hey Tobias."  She doesn't sound right.  Her voice is rough, and her breathes are short and labored sounding. 

I stand up straight.  "Tris?  What's wrong?"

" instructor decided that I needed a few bruises during tonight's class."   

I stiffen.  She doesn't sound like it was just a few bruises. I start dressing quickly in some jeans and a t-shirt, going toward the kitchen where I keep my black bag for when I need more than just a bandage.  "I'll be over there in a little bit."

"Tobias, no.  I can't have Zoe catching you here," she whisper yells into the phone, panicking.

"Tris, I promise to be quiet.  Also, if she does wake up, you can always just introduce me as your new friend, ok?"  My voice firm.  I'm not taking a no for an answer this time.  I grab the bag out of the cabinet, looking through it to make sure I have everything I might need. 

I can practically hear her bite her lip, "Ok."  Her voice weak.  She really must be bad if she conceded that quickly.


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