Chapter 21 - Tris

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"Why is it that you manage to find the hottest, most successful men, and all the guys I date end up being losers?"  I can't help the laugh that escapes at the look on Christina's face.  She would never actually get mad at me for my relationship with Tobias, but her frustration and jealously are starting to show.  Especially since her most recent boyfriend turned out to be a complete asshole, resulting in yet another relationship that crashed and burned. 

We've been sitting at the kitchen table for the past hour chatting till my mother can come and get Zoe.  Zoe has been watching a movie in the living room, hardly noticing what Christina and I have been talking about, though we have been trying to keep our voices low and are language to a minimum, just in case. 

Tobias is having a sort of get together with his friends tonight, and I asked if I could bring Christina since I wouldn't know any of his friends.  Just so I wasn't totally exposed to a bunch of people I didn't know.  Tobias thought it would be a good idea since he wanted to introduce someone to her anyway. 

"Chris, you can always do what I did, and write a letter to some random stranger and see what happens." 

Christina rolls her eyes.  "Yeah right.  Then I would end up with some dirty old man.  No thanks.  I've read that horror story before." 

"Well, then I guess you'll just have to trust that the guy Four is bringing might not be that bad."  Trying my best to convince her to meet a man I myself have never met, and can only go on the description that Tobias gave.  Which in all honesty isn't much.  While the guy doesn't appear to be her type at all, I hope that it's a good thing. 

Christina closes her eyes, "What's his name again?"

"Will.  His name is Will."  Trying to give her my most comforting smile. 

She looks back to me, slumping into her chair, crossing her arms, "I just don't know if I trust his judgement.  I've only talked to Four a few times.  He isn't exactly the friendliest guy I've ever met.  I don't know if he truly understands what I want in a man." Tobias isn't exactly a fan of Christina either, but he is at least trying to tolerate her presence since she's my best friend.  He says it mostly because she's too talkative for his liking. 

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe the men you want aren't what you need?" 

Christina's eyes narrow, sitting up, she begins scratching her cheek with her middle finger since she can't voice her true feelings.  

I can't help but snort, "I love you too.  Just give the guy a chance.  Please?  What do you have to lose?"

Christina begins shaking her head, but then huffs out a breath in frustration.  "Fine."  Then looks up, pointing a finger at me, her voice getting low, "You owe me big time if this turns ugly."

"And what happens if it works out?"

She turns her head away, refusing to look me in the eye.  "Then I guess you still get to be my maid of honor."

I nod my head and take a drink of my water glancing at the clock.  

Christina looks over at Zoe to make sure she is still engrossed in her movie.  She scoots her chair closer to me so she is extremely close to my ear so Zoe won't hear, "So have you and Four gone all the way yet?" 

I pull back, smacking her arm, my mouth opening in horror.  Leaning in I whisper, "Christina, this is not the time or the place to be having that kind of conversation." 

She lays her forehead on my shoulder, giggling, "So you have!" 

I roll my eyes getting close to her ear again, whispering, "No we haven't yet."

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