Chapter 29 - Tris

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A/N: Thank to everyone that is reading, voting, commenting, and following me. The response has just been incredible. I wanted to give everyone a heads up, just so no one gets surprised. There will be about six more chapters after this. I'm working hard to get them completed, but I still don't want to mess them up. The next chapter especially. Thanks again for reading. Enjoy!

I'm held in Tobias' warm embrace, listening to our breathing slowly return to normal.  He pulls back to look at me, only to tenderly kiss my forehead, my nose, my cheek, till finally kissing me slowly on the lips.  His eyes are a deep intense blue right now, as his hand moves down my bare back.  "I will never get tired of making love to you."  His voice sending warmth through me.  Then a smirk appears, "Especially when it ends like that."

I giggle, "Well, if your plan is to keep giving me orgasms like you just did, I'll be coming back again, and again."

A rumble of laughter goes through his chest, an evil glint in his eyes, as he grabs my butt, squeezing.  "You figured out my diabolical plan!  To pleasure you into staying with me forever.  Now you can never leave." 

I laugh, "I'd say your plan is working.  I have no intention of ever leaving."  

His face becomes serious suddenly.  "Do you love me?"

I place my hand on his cheek, holding his gaze.  "With all my heart."

He smiles, drawing me close, stroking my hair.  "Good.  Because I'm madly in love you."

I kiss his throat, sighing at how perfect life seems right now.  "Tris?"


He hesitates, "Do you see us ever getting married?  Like within the next year or so?"

My muscles seem to freeze at his words.  The rational part of my brain screams at me that we haven't even been dating for a year, that it's way too soon to consider that.  There are so many things that we don't know about each other. 

He continues to be reluctant to speak of his past.  He has told me some things, mostly about the few happy memories he had with his mother and his friends when he was in high school.  Though he has voiced his concern that his mother might not have loved him as much as he thought as a child.  Especially since she abandoned him. 

But he still refuses to speak about the abuse his father inflicted upon him, or who his father even is.  I know enough about Tobias now not to push the issue; he will talk to me about it in his own time.  He knows I will listen and not pity him, but I think he's still terrified of what my reaction is going to be. 

Zoe is also someone I need to keep in mind if we venture down that road.  While she has grown attached to him, I'm not sure if she realizes that marriage is supposed to be long lasting.  I want to make sure that for her sake, Tobias intends to stick around for her too. 

However, something deep down inside of me feels as if he has been the missing piece in my life.  We fit perfectly together.  He's an amazing man, friend, and lover.  I really can't see why I would say no if he did ask me to marry him. 

Tobias strokes my hair waiting patiently for my response, "I could definitely see us getting married."  I smile as I think how often he comes over now, trying to lighten the mood.  "You practically live here now anyway." 

Tobias chuckles, "That's true.  So it would be a marriage of convince then?"

"I'm not sure what we just did should be considered convenient."  Rubbing my hand over his defined chest. 

He kisses the top of my head, "I agree with you there."  He pauses.  "Would you want any more children?"

I can't help the image of holding another child in my arms, knowing the father was Tobias.  I really did want more children.  I really do want that someday with him.  He has already proven to me that he can be an amazing father figure to Zoe.  I whisper a small, "Yes."

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