Can I Be Your Number One?

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Jet's POV


Gerard and I stopped talking as walked back down the vault hallway. The dufflebags that were filled with jewels and money was on his shoulder and his gun hanging around his neck once more. But now his vest wasn't on, he'd taken it off in the tunnels because it was to difficult to move around in and with some insisting on his part I'd put it on under my jacket in case things went south. It didn't make me feel any safer, if anything my heart felt like it was in my stomach, I wanted to throw up, I wanted to cry and I wanted to have a tantrum.

All of my emotions were more than shot for the day I didn't even know what I really wanted anymore. Everything was so close to being over, so close that I could almost taste it but as they say 'it's not over until the fat lady sings'. By no means was I going to let myself get excited over something that hasn't happened yet. Pax could still very well lose whatever is left of his marbles and shoot everyone in the building dead. Probably himself as well because he seems the sort who would actually do that.

"I hope I'll get to see you again," Gerard murmured so quietly that only I could hear him and I allowed a smile to briefly cross my face before quickly reaching out and squeezing his hand.

"And if you go to prison I promise I'll visit and bring you comics and junk food," I joked, trying to pretend we're weren't about to walk in on Pax and whatever he'd been doing in there to keep himself entertained. "But I hope I see you too, outside of prison." He cracked a grin and squeezed my hand back before we both returned to the roles Pax assumed us to still be in. We didn't have to act much longer, it'd be all over soon.

I kept my eyes on the floor as we took the last few steps from the hallway into the front of the bank but I couldn't help but allow myself one glance up.
That had been my undoing.

"What the fuck!?" Gerard was the first to say anything but I couldn't have forced out a word if my own life depended on it, thankfully my own safety currently depended on my silence.

With blood spatters on the wall and the smell of copper in the air they were dead, all of them.
Even Vera.

I sank to my knees.

While we were gone Pax had lined them up against the wall and shot them. My best friend who I'd known for nearly my entire life was dead and I would have been in her place if Gerard hadn't insisted that it be me who went to the jewelry store with him. We'd been gone too long, maybe if we got back sooner this wouldn't of happened.
Did he do this because we didn't hurry?
Is there something else I could have done to save everyone?

From where I'd collapsed and through my tears I could see Gee drop the bags and walk over to Pax who was sitting on the bench with blood on his white shirt. He was swinging his legs back and forth almost gleefully and holding some ringlike object up close to his face as he inspected it. My eyes caught a glimpse of blue sparkling from the middle, it wasn't ringlike it was the actual ring Vee's parents had given her for her sweet sixteen, she always wore it. Always. "What the fuck' what?" Pax asked casually, looking up from his his hands with a nonchalant grin.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? We agreed that nobody was going to be fucking hurt and you killed fucking everyone!" Although I couldn't see it on his face I could hear the anger as clear as day in his voice. He sounded murderous. I suppose I would have sounded the same if I had anything left in me for yelling at him; it's just been too much.

I wanted to go home, I wanted to go to sleep. I wished this was all a bad dream and I would wake up in my bed back at home.

"I said I wouldn't let you get caught though didn't I? As long as there's no witnesses there's nobody to rat you out, that's how things work, Gee." Pax slid off the counter and picked his handgun up, cocking it and pointing it at Gerard when he got too close. "Now I'd stop just about there because it looks to me like someone made a big mistake and took off their vest. Not that I'd be able to miss a headshot from this close, hell not that I'd miss from far away either." There was nothing in my mind that doubted him, Pax's arm was rock steady as he held the gun up with one hand.

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