It Was Really Me It Was Really You

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Gee's POV


We went over what we planned to say a fair few times, me opting for the slightly less talkative route since I completely couldn't deal with scaring people like that.

As long as there was no killing I didn't have a problem with letting him take the lead.

If anything I was to co-pilot so to speak.

Of course if I had to run the show I'd probably stumble over my own words and be laughed out of the bank like some joke. Which isn't exactly what someone would aim for when they are really determined to get the money.

People have always enjoyed laughing at me rather than with me.

For most of the brief times I'd been in school I was getting picked on by someone bigger than me, meaner than me and hey; I was nevertheless of a fighter to begin with.

Kids are cruel.
Even worse than adults sometimes.

Maybe that's just the way they are, maybe if I was meaner.
Maybe if my haircut was perfect or in style.
Maybe if wore less black.
Maybe if I listened to the whatever the 'right kind' of music was.

Maybe they hated be for just being who I am, that would have been the most likely excuse.

For some strange reason the second people see anything that isn't a hundred percent identical to everything else they feel the need to destroy it.

Like finding a beautiful and unique butterfly.
They kill it and pin it to a board to look at.

But at best I feel like a moth.

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