Let's Live Alone and Out of State

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Gee's POV


From the moment Mikey told me just how much trouble he was in I knew there was only one person I could go to.

There was a guy in the neighborhood that Mikey and I lived in, he was known to be a but quirkier than most but that was no problem for me.

My whole life I've been considered strange, hit, teased, spat and frowned upon.

Being a freak was something I enjoyed even though I knew there were people out there who were stranger than I could ever be.

The second I finished my phone call to my brother I left my shitty little house, went outside and walked down my shitty little driveway to get into my shitty little car.

Just like my existence everything around me was shitty and little.

I've never had much, just enough, less than enough to be truthful but I've dealt with it.

Mikey's dealt with it.
We've dealt with it.

I think there's a moment in everyone's life where they realize that where they are is as far as they'll go.

Its been maybe a month or two since I realized I was a nobody and destined to be a nobody.

I've tried to be an artist and I failed.
I've tried to be a singer and I failed.
I've tried to be good and I failed.

Everything I've ever tried I failed.

What's the point in aspiring to be anybody or anything when I know I'll only fail?

The most I can do is give my brother a life, even if he throws most of the opportunities I give him out the window.

I won't let him fail like me.

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