You Twist My Arm, I'm Twisting Fate

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This will probably have slow updates, it's just a side project story.


Jet's POV


I was already on my way out the door when I got a phone call from my friend, asking for a tiny favor.

She'd wanted coffee of course.

Over the many years I've spent being friends with Vera I've learnt that she can barely create a sentence without the help of a cup of coffee.

I'm seriously not kidding, she'd be this mumbling person who yawned a lot but put one cup of caffeine in front of her and she'd be wide awake, chatting her heart out.

I'd been planning to drop by the bank and see her anyway, I had to pass by it to get to school.

I'm studying to be a doctor, just like my parents wanted although when I think about it I've always wanted to help people.

Who am I kidding though, I'll be lucky if I can make it to the end of the year, I haven't even gotten onto the tricky stuff yet.

I was too tired all the time, I'd been lucky and didn't have to go to work since my parents agreed to pay for my apartment as long as I was in school but it still hard.

At the age of five I'd been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD and it was hard for me to pay attention.

Seriously, it was almost painful having to sit in a lecture for just half an hour and sometimes it could go for longer than that.

More than once I've had the professor tell me to sit down or be quiet which can be pretty damn embarrassing when you're a shy person.

It doesn't take much to make me blush, a simple comment or even looking at me for too long will do.

This is the exact reason I've only had one boyfriend in my life.

I'm introverted to say the least and with the help of enough stress I am prone to completely snapping and saying everything that'd been on my mind for the past ten minutes in one go.

So that's obviously gonna be a desirable trait as a doctor, I'll be under the pressure from being in an operating room and I'll just yell at everyone.

That's one way to get myself fired.

Besides I don't think people would want me to have their life in my hands thanks to how I look.

I was born with a small birth defect, nothing too serious, just enough to change my appearance a little.

Instead of being a normal kid with brown eyes or blue or green my body seemed to get confused.

In short I've got two different colored eyes.

Green and hazel.

Oh and I might add that my body wasn't even bloody trying when it was putting itself together.

I don't get two completely different colored eyes, no I get two green ones it's this hazel thing trying to take over just one eye.

My body is an idiot.

Basically anybody that I could be treating as a doctor will more than likely believe that I'm the spawn of Satan for my eyes.

That's at least how it worked in high school.

I grabbed my car keys from the hanger by the door and left my apartment, pulling my jacket on in the process.

Thankfully I didn't have to carry any books, mainly because I'd come up with the idea of only bringing my stuff in when I had homework to do.

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