Come Catch Me Run 'Cause I'm Not Having Any Fun

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Jet's POV


I almost hadn't believed Gerard when he explained the underground system that ran through Monroeville, something that anyone who was half decent at smuggling knew about and kept far from the ears of police.

Apparently Monroeville had been one of the town's caught up in some kind of jewel rush in the eighteen hundreds and because of that had built a train line that ran right through the town and connected it to New York, the nearest, biggest city that probably would have been an hour long train ride if the line hadn't been shut down over eighty years ago. It made it easier to send jewels in to be appraised, it saved money and made it less likely for any transport to get held up and best yet it could be done privately because the whole system ran under the city.

I'd asked Gerard why it was still there then if it made it easier for drugs and other stuff to be moved using the vacant line. It didn't make sense why the police hadn't immediately squashed any chance of illegal trading since it was a pretty good place and he'd simply described it as out of sight, out of mind. I could only wish the same went for Pax.

"It's here," Gerard said, kneeling in front of a handleless door so old and dusty looking that it blended easily enough into the wall for me to have been able to keep walking without even noticing if he hadn't said something. "Just give me a second and I'll have this open." As if he thought nothing of it he put the glow stick between his teeth and pulled a tiny case out of the duffle bag, opening it and retrieving a couple of tools I recognised from enough crime shows as lock picks.

"Where did you even learn to do that?" I asked, watching him frown faintly in concentration as he stuck the tools into the rusty looking lock on the door. As much as I'd seen it in tvs and movies I didn't really think lock picking was that much of a thing or that Gerard would be capable of doing it so casually. Criminal or not. "Wharton," he replied joking tone in his voice that had been muffled by the glow stick but once he realised I wasn't kidding he took it out and looked at me for a moment. "This kid I met in a foster home way back. He used to do it to break into display homes so I gave it a shot when I first ran away. Then I realized I'd probably make more money if I sold the stuff in the houses." As if to emphasize his point about having a talent the lock clicked faintly and he grinned as he put the tools back away, now taking a crowbar out of the seemingly bottomless bag and wedging it in the door.

I was almost surprised by the shrill sound of protesting metal as he attempted to force the door open and after it looked like it might have some give he lifted his leg and with a single kick opened the door. It was hard to not wince at the sound and through nothing more than reflex I found myself checking the area as if someone could have heard.

Gerard was looking at me when I turned back, a half amused expression on his face, clearly finding my terror over being caught amusing. "With all the drama Will's made up there I could set off a bomb and no one would hear me." Everything he said made sense but I could feel my brain pause when I picked up someone I hadn't heard yet. "Will?" I asked, and he paused as well, his hand on the doorway and his eyes slightly wide once he realised what he'd said. "It's um, you know what? Forget about it. The less you know the better, they're probably gonna be suspicious about you if they find out we knew each other as kids anyway."

Ending all possibility of me saying anything else he picked up the bag, gestured for me to follow and headed into the dim corridor with the glow stick in hand and I pursed my lips as I walked after him, a tiny part of me remaining selfish enough to pray there weren't any spiderwebs.

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