You'll Leave Alone or Crazy Great or Break Into a Million Pieces

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Gee's POV


I've never been a bad person or at least wouldn't describe myself as one.

Yes I've broken the law, more times than I care to count but not once have I ever done it for a selfish reason.

Everything I've done has been to help someone or to protect my little brother who I've taken care of my whole life.

He screws up sometimes, okay a lot, he hangs out with all the wrong people. Makes deals he can't keep and in general puts himself in high risk situations on a regular basis that I have to get him out of.

Because of that it was no surprise when he told me he'd gotten himself into another spot of trouble and like every other time, needed my help.

Now I will say that he's fucked up a lot but nothing as epic as he'd done this time.
He'd pushed the limits then passed them and kept on going.

He'd gotten caught up in a crew he'd promised to stay away from and they'd dragged him down, far, far down and they convinced him to make yet another deal.

It was some mafia group, I think they were involved with drugs, I knew he didn't do them but one way or another he fucked up.

Knowing him he'd probably tried to help one of his own friends out or lost a bet, I reckon it would most likely be a bet.

He needed money, more money than I thought it'd be possible for him to owe.

A million dollars.

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