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  • Dedicated to Everyone in My Past

If I had a cent

For every tears

That I shed for my pathetic life

I would have a country

If I had a stone

For every scars

That YOU inflicted on me

I would have a stone mountain

If I had a drop of water

For every wounds

That I am forced to ignore

I would have an ocean

If I had a brick

For every fears

That I am forced to hide

I would have a mansion

If I had a seed

For every smile

That I have to fake

I would have a forest

If I had a grain of sand

For every people

That I push away to find who cares

I would have a dessert

If I had a gust of wind

For every crack

That I have in my heart

I would have a tornado

If I had a person

Who cares enough

To  piece back the clues

And puzzle pieces I leave behind

I would have a dry pillow

For the rest of my life

If only I had...

depicting the things I would have for the -depressing- things I feel...

hugs and kisses... xOxOx...

always s^.^ile...


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