Getting Better

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Things went down the drain

And the sun was replaced with a rain

All it brought me was pain

And from it, there was nothing to gain

I want someone to talk to

I need something to hold unto

Cause I don't want to break in two

And the confrontations are way overdue

A few weeks passed with no change

I looked for a way out of this miserable page

And with other people I start to engage

And slowly they helped me out of the cage

Rainy days come and go

And every time I feel like I'll blow

But now with someone to turn to

I don't have to suffer alone and soak my pillow

With your help, stranger

The burdens I carry are getting lighter

And my days are becoming brighter

Cause with your help I'm getting better

a short poem to the people who helped me through my problems lately... I hope you guys liked it...

again, thanks for helping me...

to anyone who needs someone to talk to my inbox is always open for you guys... just as other people -a couple of them are complete strangers- helped me out, I'm ready to help others out...

 hugs and kisses... xOxOx...

always s^.^ile...


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