Missing You

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  • Dedicated to My Boyfriend -now ex-

I would've never thought missing you would hurt so much

I don't know if I'm waiting for something or for nothing

I'm not sure if you're missing me too

I don't even know if you're thinking of me or if you've forgotten me

I am driven to do absolutely everything just to stop thinking of you

I, at times, even try to do things I hate just to rid you off my mind

It's like I have to tire myself, so I wouldn't have the energy to think

But no matter what I do I always end up at night thinking of you

I need you by my side at times like this

But I can't ask you to grace me with your presence

I can't, cause I'm not brave enough

And I'm not even sure if I have the right to

There are those times when I wanna laze around with you

But most of the time, I wanna do everything with you

But I just really wanna spend my time with you

And just be with you every time I want to

At times like these I dream of us playing in the rain

Talk about our secrets and our past

And gaze through the stars as they draw our future for us

But of course all of these are just mindless dreams and fearless thoughts

But through all these

I wanna tell you

I miss you, terribly so

And I wish you're here with me

I never thought that the thought of him in someone else's arms would hurt so much... if I knew that he'd really leave... I wouldn't have suggested it... :(

hugs and kisses... xOxOx...

always s^.^ile... :')


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