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  • Dedicated to everyone who hides a part of them

I'll grow up

And I'll change

No longer will I lock it up

And it will be freed from its cage

Cause the real me

I've always hid

I always hide a part of me

And on my other side, I've kept a lid

I'll stop my pants and shorts only policy

And start wearing dresses and skirts

Cause I don't want to hide constantly

And every lie I tell myself hurts

So, I'll slowly let it out

The flirty girl inside

And let it free, up and about

And let it walk with my dark, boyish side

I'm gonna stop pretending

And show the true me

Cause this stupid cover up, I'm ending

And let myself out and free

I'm like a yin yang

Peaceful but wild, just like 'Oh, dang!'

Shy outside but really proud

Quiet but talkative in the right crowd

I have two sides

A flirty girl inside

And a tough boyish look

This is the me I hide in a nook

to everyone who have a secret 'them' that they hide... I'm gonna tell you this let your other side free, and let your true self out... and don't think about what other people thinks of you... cause whatever you do, someone'll have something to say about you... and 'those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter'...

song on the side is the way I felt before... and the external link is something I want to tell everyone...

hugs and kisses... xOxOx...

always s^.^ile...


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