Chapter 8

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It was about 10:30 in the morning when I heard someone running upstairs. I hadn't long woken up so I was still in my oversized gray top and underwear (it covered my butt and doodah so I was fine). I got up and was about to peek outside the door when there was an excited knock. I opened the door to see Phil.
"Phil!" I cried and I held onto him. We hugged for about two minutes when Phil finally said,
"Um.. Y/N... Your shirt is tucked into your underwear at the back..". I let go and quickly spun around. I saw it was and the world could see my purple knickers. I blushed and Phil just laughed. "Its so nice to see you! We should probably help Dan with the suitcases," Phil told me.
"Yeah we should!" I said and we jogged downstairs after I untucked my shirt. After we helped Dan with everything, we sat in their apartment.
"It feels great to be back!" Dan sighed.
"Feels better to have you back," I said, looking at Phil. "So what have you been doing?" I asked, turning around to see Dan.
"Oh not a lot. It was freezing in wales and there wasn't much to do... What about here? Did anyone break into our apartment?" Dan asked. I laughed.
"No, not that I know of! And I have been watering your house plants the amount written on the labels under the pots Phil!" I explained. Phil smiled.
"So what have you been doing while we were gone? Anything interesting?" He asked. I looked at him.
"Well I bought a laptop. That was fun," I said. They didn't seem interested. After a while of chatting and talking, Phil went into the kitchen to make drinks.
"Y/N can I ask you a question?" Dan asked hoarsely.
"No." I whispered, smiling at him. He pulled a sad face. "Oh go on then," I said pretending to give in. He laughed quietly.
"Do you like Phil?" He whispered. I gave a confused expression.
"Of course I like Phil! You and him are my best friends!" I told him.
"No, I mean like, like. You know, more than friends," he said. I was shocked. Did he know?
"Well... I guess-" I was interrupted when Phil walked in. He had made us all coffees.
"Sorry I took so long! I dropped the milk and i had to clean it up," Phil said sitting down.
"Ok!" I said. As Phil put his drink on the table I nodded at Dan. I wanted to tell him and I trusted that he wouldn't tell anyone. He smiled at me a bright smile. Why did he look so glad?
"Quick! Great british bakeoff is on! Were going to miss it Phil!" Dan cried as he searched for the remote. I stood up and saw it under my bum.
"Chill guys! I was sat on the remote!" I said as I pressed the on button. Phil changed the television to the right channel and we started watching the programme. I got out my phone and texted Dan. I didn't want Phil to hear.

Y/N: plz don't tell Phil that I like him...

He got his Phone out and we had a mini private conversation right under Phil's nose.

Dan: y?

Y/N: I just don't want him 2 no... At least not yet

Dan: yh but y not?

Y/N: In case I get rejected

Dan looked up at me and sighed.

Dan: U never no! He might like u back! IDK

Y/N: You have no idea. I've rly liked ppl in the past and I've been rejected a lot. I don't rly wanna go through that again...

Dan: K

We put our phones away and continued with the programme.

Guys! Plz tell ur friends to read this! It would mean a lot to me to know that people are enjoying my work and encourage me to do more... After all I'm not here to try and get famous or have the best story in the world... I just wanna make people happy and I wish more people could see my work because all I want is for people to enjoy my books and reach out to me and tell me that I'm doing a good job.. Or that my work has changed their lives...

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