Chapter 12

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I want to tell you all, Thank you so so much for reading and enjoying this story! Thank you for supporting me and I know this isn't a very popular story but I try. I'd love this story to be as popular as some other stories like "Louder" and some others but this not why wrote this. I wrote this story for you. My intention is to be there for you because I know sometimes, life is hard, you need something to take you somewhere else when you have to stay were you are. And that's why I'm here, so you can live something new, when your original life doesn't work out. CHEESE.

I slowly drifted off to sleep...
I had a horrible dream...
I wish that I never went to sleep that night...

I was in a dark, lonely forest. The trees twisted and old. They grew around me, making the area around me smaller and smaller. Then I turned and saw a tree collapsing and it was about to land on top of me. I turned back around and saw Dan running towards me and he pushed me out of the way. I laid on my side and twisted around. I expected to see Dan on the floor but instead he stood over me. He was mutilated. His face covered in scars, cuts and bruises. Clothes torn and his head was split open. I opened my eyes.

I sat there in my bed and screamed. I heard someone running and a key turning in the door. Phil burst into my room. I screamed and screamed.
"Y/N! Y/N! Stop screaming! What's wrong?" He said. I didn't stop. He sat next to me and slid his hand behind my legs. He lifted me up and sat me on his knees. "You're lighter than I thought," he muttered to himself. But I still heard him. I sat on his knee and sobbed. He hugged me and held me in his arms. "Would you feel better if you slept in my bed with me?" Phil asked. I nodded as I wiped the tears from my eyes. We walked into his apartment. It felt empty. He held open his bedroom door and gestured to his bed. I walked past him and climbed in. He laid behind me and put an arm on my shoulder. Without thinking, I held his hand and brought it around me so I was hugging his arm like a teddy bear. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep with Phil. Knowing he was there for me made me feel calmer, yet I didn't feel content. No matter how I felt, it was still my fault that Dan was in hospital.

When I woke up, I turned and my stomach sank. It was that feeling when you stay at someone else's house but you forget and you think you've been kidnapped. Then I remembered the night before. Phil wasn't in bed. Maybe he was already up... I sat up and hugged my knees tight, staring into nothingness, a single tear rolled down my face as I thought about the accident.
*knock knock*
Phil walked in.
"Good morning Y/N, I made you toast," he said as he sat next to me and handed me a plate. I looked at him. He was so sweet.
"Sorry Phil, I'm not hungry," I said. Phil looked at me and smiled. It wasn't a sympathetic smile it was a genuine smile. He took out his phone and pressed play on a voice message;
"Beeeep, Hello Mr. Lester I have some good news for you! Your friend Daniel Howell has recently regained consciousness and is ready to have visits. Unfortunately, he will not be ready to be discharged until Friday, I hope you have a nice day and we hope to see you soon. Ba bye now".
I sighed.
"It doesn't matter if he's awake or not, he still almost died. And its definitely still my fault," I muttered. Phil sighed.
"Right! Come on! Get your shoes and coat on! Were going to visit Dan," Phil said...

We got to the hospital and was lead through various wards when we finally got to the right room. I walked in and saw Dan asleep on his bed. He looked awful. He had tubes everywhere and he had a mask on his face. He wore a hospital gown rather than his normal clothes and he genuinely looked awful. We stood around his bed and looked at him for a moment. Then his eyes started to flutter behind his eyelids and his eyes slowly opened. He sat up and took off his mask.
"Dan!" I said and gave him a hug.
"Hey! Y/N you're ok!" He croaked. I stood up next to Phil.
"Well we were a bit more concerned about you!" Phil exclaimed as he wiped a tear from his cheek. Dan smiled.
"I'm fine," he said.
"Oh this is all my fault! If only I had moved myself," I cried. Dan looked at me confused.
"Y/N! don't blame yourself. Its my fault. I shouldn't have played at being the hero because look where it landed me," Dan said as he too started crying. Hearing that from him made me feel better about myself. Maybe it wasn't my fault...
"Visiting time is over! Sorry chick but you and your boyfriend came a bit late," A tall thin nurse said. She sounded like she smoked thirty a day and was very slender.
"Oh were not together," I said. She grunted as we left. We said goodbye and went home in a taxi.

When I got home I sighed and slumped on my couch. I felt better now that I had seen Dan. Then I remembered last night. I had shared a bed with Phil. And I slept hugging his arm. I went into an instant fangirl moment and screamed into a pillow. While I was fangirling, I could swear I heard Phil's muffled shouts, as if he was shouting into a cushion...

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