Chapter 1- Mission

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I am on Ahch-to, ancient place of the Jedi Knights and Luke Skywalker is training me. A couple of years ago when I was just a scavenger trying to survive by myself on Jakku, would I ever think that I would be training to become a Jedi knight.

It's been a year since I fought Kylo Ren. I am sure he is still alive. I feel it. While he was interrogating me, I felt a strong bond between us, a force bond. Maybe it's just that we're both very strong with the force but I keep having dreams about him, where we're just standing a foot from each other, looking into each others eyes. The force is all around us, and it's strong. Very strong. I can't help but think, is it a dream, or a vision?

It was sunrise on Ahch-to. Master Luke and I were on the hill where I first saw him. The sea looked beautiful under the pink sun, how the waves crashed onto the land making a cool breeze against my body while I was trying to lift a huge bolder into the air. I kept trying to lift it and move it into the water but it's just too heavy.

"Feel it, feel the force around you, in you," said Master Luke staring at me intently.

"Sorry Master, it's just too heavy," I said crashing to the ground, breathing heavily.

"Size does not matter. Big or small, you can lift the boulder."

I got up and nodded. I closed my eyes and lifted my hand up towards the boulder and tried to focus. I thought hard of what I wanted the boulder to do. I opened my eyes. Nothing.

"You're trying too hard. Feel the force flow through you, let it guide you. Don't think of what you want the boulder to do, think of what you want to do," Luke said.

I nodded, closed my eyes and tried again. I thought how I wanted to move the boulder and not that I was just doing it because Master Luke was telling me to, but because I wanted to. I thought about how proud Luke would be of me if I got the boulder into the water. I thought about how I can go to bed after this is done.

I opened my eyes and it was up in the air. I concentrated even more and moved my arm a little bit to the left, moving the boulder with me. It felt like it got heavier as I moved it. At one point it got too heavy and fell to the ground making a loud thump, that probably vibrated the whole island.

I turned around and looked at master Luke with a frown on my face. He looked at me with a little disappointment in his eyes. I looked down and shook my head.

"I can't do it, Master. I'm sorry."

He walked closer and looked down at me.

"When you tell yourself that, that is why you fail."

I looked up and nodded. "Yes, Master."

"That is all for today, we will begin again tomorrow morning."

I sighed and bowed my head. "Goodnight, Master."

He bowed back. "Goodnight and may the force be with you."

"And with you, Master Luke." Then we headed our separate ways, to our chambers.

My little cottage, I guess you can say, was small. Very small. It's walls were made out of stone, which made it cool inside, so I guess that's good because it got pretty hot here at Anch-to. The bed had red covers that reached down to the floor and also the bed was made out of feathers which were held with a wooden platform underneath. Left to that, was a dresser full of tan clothing (obviously). Across from that was the bathroom. It had a bath, toilet, mirror and sink.

I got undressed and put my sleepwear on and folded my dirty clothes and put them on my dresser so that I would wash them tomorrow. I walked over to my bed and sat down. I took out my three hair buns which were in the back of my head from bottom to top. After that I went over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. After I did that I walked back to my bed and got under the covers and layed down. I was so tired that it didn't take that long to fall asleep.


I woke up to a loud knock on my door. I opened my eyes slowly and breathed in heavily. "Who is it?"

"Who do you think? Get up we have a lot to do today. I'll be down at the beach," Luke said.

I got up as I heard him walk away from the door. I put my head in my hands and rubbed my eyes as I yawned. I walked to my dresser and opened a drawer so that I can get dressed. I decided on my usual look, tan pants with a tan shirt, tan boots and a tan robe. I walked into the bathroom and put my hair in just a simple ponytail. I looked in the mirror with satisfaction. I grabbed my lightsaber, walked out of my house and went outside.

The grass smelled like nice morning dew, which was very welcoming for a new day. I looked at the blue sky with big fluffy white clouds. I could feel the Sun's rays on my skin, making me feel warm.

Down at the beach I saw Master staring at the sea that was in front of him. I walked up and stood next to him.

"Hello, Master. What will we be doing today?"

He didn't move his head to look at me, he just kept looking at the water. "Today you will learn how to get into people's minds."

I couldn't help but smile. I have always wanted to learn how to do that. Though I did do that to Kylo Ren, but I didn't mean to read his mind, I was just trying to block him from reading my thoughts when I went to far and read his. I need to know how to control it.

Luke turned his whole body towards me. "We shall start," Luke started to say but stopped mid sentence when he looked over my head, into the sky. I turned around and looked up. It was one of the Resistance's spacecrafts landing. Luke and I ran over to the aircraft and stood there while we waited to see who it was. The door open and I saw a familiar face. "Poe?" I asked while I walked closer. "Rey! I've missed you so much!" Poe said while he came in for a hug. I hugged him back. "I've missed you too. Wait, why are you here?" I said as I pulled him away. His face automatically went serious, which made me worry. Luke stepped forward, closer to us. "General Organa needs to see you, both of you," Poe said. I looked at Luke who had a worried expression on his face. I looked back at Poe. "Do you know why?" He shook his head. "No, she just told me to get you guys and bring you to her immediately."
Poe motioned towards the aircraft. "Well, shall we go?" I looked at Luke and he nodded. I looked back at Poe and smiled. "We shall." With that I got on the plane with Luke and Poe following me. Then the aircraft took off and headed for the resistance base.


The flight there took most of the day, so when we got there it was almost dark. When we got out of the aircraft we were greeted with a lot of friendly faces, all that were happy to see us. Poe turned around towards me. "Follow me, please." Luke and I both nodded and walked behind him.

When we finally stopped we were in a office. It had a lot of file cabinets and there was a big white desk with General Organa sat behind it. Poe straightened his back. "General, I have brought them to you." Leia bowed her head at Poe. "Thank you, Poe. You can go back and do your other duties now." He bowed back. "Yes General," he said then left the room. Leia got up and gave her brother a hug. "Luke, I've missed you so much." He hugged her back. "I've missed you too, Leia." After Luke said that, BB-8 came rolling out behind the desk. "BB-8," I yelled in excitement. I crouched down and hugged him. I know it doesn't really matter what gender BB-8 is, I just like to call it a boy. I got up and looked down at him. "Rey, I haven't seen you in a long time," he beeped. "I know," I said looking over to Leia and Luke who were staring at us the whole time. I walked over to them. "So why did you have us come all they way here?" General backed up from Luke and I. "I have a mission for you, Rey." Luke and I looked at each other then back at Leia. "I need you to bring home my son."

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