Chapter 11- Unexpected

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It was chaos. People saying things all at the same time, when finally it stopped. It was a flashback. I was on Jakku again. It was so long ago, even though it feels like a week ago I was on the planet trying to survive on my own.

The flashback was of me rescuing BB-8 and telling Tee Do to go away. Then it went black and I heard a whisper. "Protect."

Then I was back on Jakku, it was me allowing BB-8 to stay with me. It went black again. "Kindness."

Then it went to me and Finn flying the Falcon. "I can do this, I can do this." I said to myself. Blackness again. "Hopeful."

Then me and Finn learning each others names. "You never told me your name." I said. "I'm Finn, what's yours?" I smiled a little bit. "I'm Rey." Blackness. "Friendship."

I was back on Falcon while we were escaping Jakku. Three TIE fighters were chasing after us. I turned around and went inside a narrow tunnel into a spaceship, not knowing if it was going to work or not. "Bravery."

I was still on the Falcon. I was turning it on, somehow I knew how to. "Wisdom."

This one was when I was very little. It was me crying on my bed after my parents left. "Loneliness."

Then it went to me yelling at Ben for lying to me. "I HATE YOU!" I yelled. "Hatred."

Then it went back to Jakku. I was eating outside of my home, just looking at the sunset. "Peace."

Then it went to when me and Ben were on Yavin-4. We were in the tent. He was teaching me mind tricks. "Learn."

Then it went to me and Ben in the tree house thing when we kissed. "Love."

Then it went to a place that I do not know. There was a young man that was wearing black robes and had a little braid behind his ear. He was talking to a very pretty women. He looked a little mad. "And I will become the most powerful Jedi ever." He said. "Power."


I came back to reality. I looked around me. I was laying in a bed and Luke and Leia are in the corner of the room, having a very serious conversation. How long was I asleep for?

"Luke." I called out. When I spoke they instantly turned and ran over to me.

"Rey, you're awake." Leia said.

"Yeah. Do you know how long I was asleep for?"

"Yeah, about 24 hours."

"What?" I said as I started to get up. "Here, let me help." Luke said as he helped me sit up.


"No problem, but Rey do you remember what happened when you passed out?" Luke said.

"Yeah, I kept having different flashbacks and every time it would change, it would go black, then someone would whisper a word to me."

"Do you know who was whispering to you?"


"Male or female?"

"I couldn't tell."

"What were the words that it said?"

"They were protect, kindness, hopeful, friendship, bravery, wisdom, loneliness, hatred, peace, learn, love, and power."

"Did one have any weird flashbacks?"

"Actually, yeah, there was. There was a man and a woman in a room. The man looked a little angry. He said, 'I will be the most powerful Jedi ever.' And that was it."

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