Chapter 2- Crash

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"General, I don't think that's possible. He killed his own father, your husband," I said trying to convince Leia that Kylo will not come back to the light side.

She raised her hand as if to say 'I know'. "There is still light in him, I know there is, he has to come home." I sat down on a chair next to the desk and looked down at my feet. "But what if he doesn't, and I fail you?" Leia walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Then Ben is truly dead and it's not your fault if he doesn't." I got up and looked at Leia. "Then I will do it, for Han Solo," I said. Leia gave me a small smile and pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you," she said full of emotion. She let go of me. "You will leave in the morning and BB-8 will be joining you on your journey." I look down at BB-8 who is now right next to me. "Great." I said with a smile. "One of my fighters will show you to your rooms," said Leia. Luke and I nodded and headed out of the room.

The room I was staying was a lot nicer then mine on Ahch-To. It was bigger and had a nicer bathroom. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep. I have a big day tomorrow.


I woke up to a knock on the door again. I sat up on my bed. "Yes?" I said yawning. "General Organa wishes to see you, Miss."

"Ok, I'll be there in thirty minutes"

"Yes, Miss."

I got up and got my clothes together and did my hair. I picked out a black shirt with tan pants and a tan jacket with my normal boots. I grabbed my lightsaber and opened the door. BB-8 was waiting for me. "Good morning, Rey," she beeped. I smiled at her. "Good morning, BB-8. Do you know where the General is?"

"Yes, follow me," she said as she rolled away.

I walked right behind her for what seemed to be five minutes when we ended up in front of the room where me and Luke were the day before. "The General is waiting," BB-8 beeped. I nodded my head and knocked on the door. "Come in," said Leia from inside. I opened the door and saw Leia sitting at her desk with Luke standing next to her. "You wished to see me General?" She got up from her chair walked over to me. "Yes, we just wanted to talk to you of what you need to expect." I was confused. "Expect? Expect what?" I asked. Luke walked over to me and Leia and looked at me very seriously. "What to expect from the Dark Side." I looked down at my feet. I don't like talking about the Dark Side. I don't have very good memories from there. "Oh."

"They might hurt you, Rey. They might mess with your head. Tell Kylo the good of the Light Side. Tell him we forgive him for the things that he's done."

I looked back at Luke and nodded. "Yes, Master."

"Good. We have your things packed and ready to go," said Leia.

"Wait, I'm going right now?" I said surprised. "What about breakfast? I'm hungry."

"The sooner you get there, the better and breakfast is waiting for you in the spacecraft."

"Oh, okay then."

Luke and Leia walked me outside where the spacecraft was, to send me off and say our goodbyes. Luke placed me in front of him and put his hand on my shoulder. "Remember, Rey, don't give into your anger, anger leads to hatred and suffering and hatred leads to the Dark Side." I nodded. "Of course, Master." Then I turned to Leia and we gave each other a huge hug. After a while we pulled away. "Thank you again for doing this, Rey." I gave her a small smile and started heading towards the aircraft with BB-8 following me. "And Rey," Luke said, "may the force be with you." He bowed. "And my the force be with you, Master." I said and then turned around getting into the spacecraft. I closed the doors and we were off.

It's been a ten hours since I left the Resistance Base. I'm almost to the new Star Killer Base. I can see Rakata Prime from here. I never really thought about how big the universe is and how small we are compared to it. It can be so lonely sometimes, especially now in the middle of no where. No one to help you when you need it. No one to comfort you when you get scared. There is BB-8 but she's just a machine, that doesn't have arms that can wrap around me when I get sad.

My mind went to thinking about Kylo Ren and my dreams. The force around us, the power, we were unstoppable. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about it. I wonder if he feels the bond between us as well. Does he have the dreams too? It's probably just me.

Just then I felt the ship vibrate, then again. I look behind me. We're under attack. I rush to put the shields up but it doesn't work. "What? Why isn't this working?" I yell. The other ship has already done a lot of damage, one more hit from the back and we will be done for. I looked down at BB-8, who is rolling around all over the place.

"You gonna help?" I yelled at her.


"Good point."

Then we get hit from the back and we are falling towards Rakata Prime.


The crash was pretty hard but, I didn't die, though it feels like I sprained my ankle and got some cuts on my face. I don't know about BB-8 though. I struggle to get up but I manage. "BB-8!" I yell but I don't hear anything. "BB-8!" I yell even louder. I wait for a couple of seconds then I hear little beeps coming from the back of the spacecraft. I gasp and climb into the back and grab her and bring her back out. "BB-8, you scared me." She looked down at the ground. "Sorry," she beeped. I smiled at her. "It's okay." I looked around to see if there is anywhere we can stay. It seems we had landed on a beach. I look behind me and see the spacecraft that shot us down. The door opened slowly. I was surprised by who got out of the spacecraft. It was Kylo Ren.

I reached for my light saber, but it wasn't there, I left it back in my spacecraft and it was too late to go get it now. Kylo was standing ten feet away from me. "You," I said in disgust. He walked closer to me and now he was five feet from me. "You," he said under the mask that made him sound mechanical. I knew better then to run away, he would kill me in an instant. He walked around me while looking at me as well. "Why are you here?" I asked. "I could ask you the same thing." he said. Then I remembered my mission. I'm supposed to bring him home. "You need to come home, Ben," I said looking into his eyes. He shook his head and looked down. "No, I can't, not now after everything that I've done. Besides I have better ideas." He looked up at me then he raised his hand, making me fall to the ground. I could feel myself falling asleep. The last thing I remember was Kylo picking me up into his arms, then everything went black.

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