Chapter 5- Power

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I woke up to no one beside me. I sat up looking around for Kylo. He wasn't there, nethier was BB-8. I got up and looked for a clue that might tell me where he is. I found a note on the table.

Went to get food. -Kylo

I sat back on the bed feeling relived. That must of been awkward, finding me in his arms when he woke up. Its gonna be really awkward when he gets back.

I finished my eggs and bacon and then I went over Kylo's bed and made it. I wonder if I can take a bath? I don't know when Kylo is going to get back but I'm dying for a bath. I walked over to the corner of the tent, that had a curtain around a large bucket and a toilet. There wasn't any water anywhere, so I grabbed a little bucket and walked outside to go get some.

There was a little stream near the tent. I walked over to it and sat down on my knees, then bent over. The bucket was filled with water in no time. I got up and walked back to the tent.

When I got back to tent, I walked to the bathtub and put the water in then I put the bucket down. I got undressed and and put my feet in the water. It was cold. Really cold.

I sat down and shivered. The bathtub wasn't that big, but it was big enough that I could get my whole body in it, if I put my knees against my chest.

I grabbed the soap, which was on the ground next to the tub. I grabbed the towel and rubbed the soap on the towel. I scrubbed the towel on my arms and legs.

I heard a sound in the room that sounded like BB-8. "BB-8?" I said. Then the curtained opened. It was Kylo. "Get out!" I yelled. He closed the curtain for about five seconds then opened it again. He had his lighted light saber in his hand. I tilted my whole body away from him. His lightsaber came closer to me. I closed my eyes in fear, but instead he stuck it in the water, making it warm in seconds. "Thank you." I said as he closed the curtain. "Hurry up, you're wasting training time."

After he left the tent I got up and got out of the tub and put the clothes on that Kylo laid out for me, all black of course.

BB-8 was helping me with my dirty clothes. I put the close on her head. "Thank you, BB-8" I chuckled. "You're welcome." She said as she rolled away.

I walked outside and took a deep breath. I saw Kylo about a good hundred feet in front of me and walked over to him so I was one foot away from him. "So what are we gonna do today?" I said looking up at him. "You will be lifting that rock then dropping it into that stream," he said as he pointed to a rock. The rock was big as the one that I lifted when I was with Luke, when I failed.

I looked at the rock and frowned. Kylo must of noticed that something was wrong. "Rey, is everything okay?" I nodded and looked back at him. "Yeah, its just last time I did this, it didn't really work out. I got half way when I gave up." He nodded very seriously. "Hmm, well, we will just do it again." I nodded and turned my whole body towards the rock.

I lifted up my hand and closed my eyes. I tried to feel the force around me, which was very easy since Kylo was right next to me. I lifted up the rock very slowly. It was really heavy, heavier then the one I was lifting when I was with Luke. The rock was about half way now and I was struggling, a lot. It was almost there when it dropped to the ground.

I could hear Kylo sigh behind me. I turned around, he had a little smile on his face. He came closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Again." He said. He lifted his other hand and moved the rock to it's original spot. I don't know how he does it.

I turned around and looked at the rock. With Kylo just touching my shoulder I felt like I could do anything. I felt like it would be so easy just to lift that rock. I lifted my hand with Kylo's still on my shoulder. I closed my eyes. I felt the force. I felt Kylo. I felt everything. I lifted up the boulder so easily and moved it into the stream. I did it. I looked back at Kylo. He was looking down at me with a big grin. "Good job." I smiled and bowed my head.

Kylo took his hand off my shoulder and moved it to my hand. "Come with me," he said as he started pulling me with him. I didn't fight back. "Where are we going?" I asked, trying to keep up with his long legs. He didn't answer, but I kept quiet.

The sun was beginning to go down, making beautiful colors in the sky. We finally stopped at a tree, a big tree. I looked up and saw a tree house like thing. But there was no ladder or anything. I looked at Kylo. "How are we gonna get up there," I asked. He looked down at me with a grin. "The force."

"What? You can do that?"

He nodded. "Yeah, so get ready."

"Wha- " and before I knew it, I was flying towards the tree. It felt good. The wind felt nice against my face and my hair. I felt free and alive. But no time to daydream, or I was gonna get hit in the face with a branch. I grabbed a branch and made my way over the tree house. I grabbed the floor and pushed my self up. I stood up and started brushing off the dirt from the tree. While I was doing that, Kylo was there in one smooth movement. I looked up at him with a glare. "Never do that again." He chuckled. "Ok, but tell me sweetheart, how will you get down?"

I walked over to the edge and looked down. We were up really up high, but the veiw was quite nice. "I guess we're stuck up here, then." He said with a sly smile. I looked back at him with a glare. "You're such a boy." I said shaking my head. He took a couple of steps towards me. He nodded his head. "No, I am not a boy, I am a full grown adult." I chuckled. "Mmmmhmmm." I walked over to the other side off the tree house and looked out the window. The sky was so pretty, especially from how high we were. Kylo was now right behind me. We were both looking at the sunset. A thought came to my mind. I turned around to face Kylo. "Ben, what are you going to go if we defeat Snoke?" He looked shocked. "You called me Ben." I looked down. "Oh, sor- "

"-No, it's fine. I actually kinda like it."

"Really?" I asked as I looked up at him. His eyes were glowing and reflecting the colors of the sky, making his brown eyes even more beautiful.

"Yeah, and where will I go after we defeat Snoke? I don't know."

"Ben, you can always come home."

"I can't, they will never forgive me."

"Yes they will, Ben. They will forgive you."

Ben looked down at me and moved his head closer towards mine. Our faces were an inch apart. He whispered, "But will you?" I looked at his whole face. The sadness, fear, regret, guilt, it was all in his eyes. I could feel it.

I felt a pull towards him. I suddenly started to lean closer towards him. He didn't move away. Then my lips touched his.

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