Chapter 14- Defeat

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He ran towards me and tried to hit me with his hand, but I dodged and ran to the other side of the room. He hit the floor instead, hurting his hand. He walked towards me again. "You should of never of left the First Order to go be with a stupid girl, Kylo Ren."

"I should of never of joined you in the first place." I said boldly.

"You joined because you were weak, and you still are."

That made me pissed. I hate it when people say I'm weak and not strong or good enough. Because I am.

Then he came charging after me again.

Rey's P.O.V.

I began to wake up. When my vision finally clears I can see Snoke trying to hit Ben, but he keeps dodging. I tried to sit up but pain shot right to my arm. It was broken. The plan is not going the way I expected it. Not at all.

I layed back down and closed my eyes. If I concentrate enough, I might be able to heal my arm. I focused on the force around me. I told it to heal my arm.

Five minutes later the pain was completely gone, but it was still broken.

Snoke was turned away from me, but towards Ben, and it looked like he was going to hit him and Ben would not be able to dodge.

I quickly got up trying to think of what I should do. I needed to think fast.

Then I got it. Snoke said that I had the same lightsaber as my father who actually managed to hurt him. No other lightsaber would be able to kill him, except mine. I grabbed my lightsaber and ignited it. I got ready to use my new flying trick.

I ran towards him and lifted my self up into the air. His hand was about to reach Ben, when my lightsaber went right through his very small, cold heart. I pulled my lightsaber out and he fell to the floor, leaving Ben speechless.

"You saved the whole galaxy." Ben said as he got up. I fell down lightly on the floor right in front of Ben. "Wow, I did, didn't I?"
He nodded. Now that I've done it, it's hard to believe. I've been waiting for this day my whole life, and that I actually made it happen? I couldn't believe it.

I hug Ben, tighter then I ever had. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes just enjoying the moment. Then I remembered that this place is about to blow.

"Ben, we need to go, now!"

He nodded and we ran out of the room leaving the dead Snoke to blow up with his most prized possession.


When we got outside, Poe was waiting for us. "Come on, guys, hurry up before this place blows!" He shouted while holding out a hand to help us get on board his spacecraft.

Me and Ben got on and then Poe headed straight for the weapon. Poe and a couple of other risistance fighters, shot some really powerful blasters at a certain point of the weapon. Then a few moments later, it started to crumble and burn. We all new what was going to happen next.

Poe turned the spacecraft around as fast as he could and sped up. Me and Ben ran to the back of the spacecraft. The weapon was burning for a couple of seconds then BOOM! It blew up. Many tiny peices went everywhere, including towards us. A big peice was about to hit us, but then Poe went to light speed and that was the last time we saw anything of the First Order.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was so short. I just thought that this would be a good place to end this chapter. There will probably be one more chapter of this book. Then that will be it.

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