Chapter 4- Training

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"Come on, Rey, make a wall." Kylo has been training me for hours and it was getting late. He was teaching me on how to block people from getting into my mind. I was sitting on my bed and he was sitting on a chair right across from me while BB-8 was charging.

"Ugh, I can't." I whined.

"Yes, you can, you've done it to me before."

I thought about the time I did. I thought how I didn't want him to get the map. I thought about how I couldn't let him see the map. I nodded and thought of a memory that I didn't want him to see. I closed my eyes and thought of the memory right after my parents left. I was crying and saying to myself they'll come back, but they never did and they never will.

I could feel Kylo trying to get in my head. I held my ground but he pushed harder. He was too strong. I gave up and let him see the memory. Tears started coming out from my eyes. The loneliness. The sadness. My hopes that my parents would come back.

I felt Kylo's arms go around me, but I didn't push him away. I opened my eyes and looked up at Kylo. He was staring back at me."Sorry." I mumbled.

"It's okay, I understand. I grew up alone too."

How can he say that? He can't complain about that, how he was lonely. He chose to leave his family. I didn't have a choice. I would of taken his place any day.
I pushed him away aggressively. "No, you don't! You had a choice!

"But- "

"No, you don't understand and you never will!"

"Rey- "


He got up and looked at me with a frown and walked out the tent doors. I sighed and laid back on my pillow. I instantly regreted yelling at him the minute he left the room. I shouldn't of yelled at him. He didn't deserve it.


It's been a week since I yelled at Kylo and he hasn't trained or even talked to me once. I've wanted to say sorry, but I'm scared that he won't forgive me. His parents are a sore spot for him. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast on the table. I sat up to see if Kylo was there. He wasn't, nethier was BB-8. Did Kylo take her with him? My ankle was healed by now, so I got up and walked over to the table that had breakfast on it, which was in the middle of the tent. I picked up a peice of bacon and looked at it. It doesn't look horrible like the last time I ate his food. I took a bite. It was actually good. I wonder what he did different? I ate the rest of the breakfast and got ready to go outside. I haven't been outside in a week. I stepped outside. All the green was like a sight for sore eyes. The fresh air made me feel more alive. The sun made me feel like I was home, on Jakku.

I walked for a little bit to see if I can find Kylo. Finally, I saw him and BB-8. He was working on his ligbtsaber techniques and BB-8 was watching him. He was chopping down trees and running around all over the place. BB-8 noticed me and came rolling over. I looked down at her. "Rey, are you ignoring Kylo?" She beeped.

"What, no." I looked at Kylo, then looked back at BB-8. "Ok, yes, but he's ignoring me too."

"You should go talk to him."

"Do you think he'll forgive me?"


"Ok. I'll go."

I walked over to Kylo. He was doing a very complex move with his lightsaber.

"You should teach me how to do that," I said coming closer.

He stopped and glared at me. "Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I don't understand you enough," He said while walking away from me. I grabbed his wrist, turning him towards me. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? It's just I become really emotional when I bring up my past and I don't really mean what I say."

He sighed and looked down then looked back at me. "I forgive you. I just don't like you yelling at me."

I smiled at him and hugged him. He hugged me back, tightly. I buried my face into his chest and he rested his head on my shoulder. I never wanted this moment to end.

Kylo's P.O.V

I've missed Rey. I've missed talking to her. I've missed seeing her face when she woke up. I've missed everything about her.

When she was hugging me, around me, I felt a strong bond between us, a force bond. It felt like nothing could come between us, not even Snoke.

When she yelled at me, it hurt. Like someone stabbing my heart. It felt like she didn't trust or care about me, but I did.

I've been showing her how to do my light saber moves for awhile now. She was already better then me, in all ways. She has obviously mastered the lightsaber, so time to move on.

"Ok, now go run some laps. Then we can call it a day."

She nodded and started running. I walked over to a rock and sat on it, waiting for Rey. She took only ten minutes to complete six laps.

We started walking back. "You did a great job today, Rey." She bowed. "Thank you, Kylo" I bowed back. "You're welcome." We walkes inside the tent and Rey ran to her bed and jumped on it, making it fall apart and she fell to the floor. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." She said while laying there. I chuckled. "Here, I'll help you up." I said as I held my hand out and she took it. "Thank you."

I smiled. "You're welcome."

"So, um, where am I gonna sleep?" She said, looking around.

"With me."

She turned around to face me with her eyes wide. "I'm sorry, but, what!?!"

Then I realized what I just said. "No, I didn't mean it in that way. I just meant that you'll sleep in my bed, with me. I won't do anything to you."

She glared at me. "You better not."

She got into my bed and put the covers over her. My bed was bigger then her bed, so it had the space for both of us. I got in the bed after her, far away from her as I can. Then I fell asleep fast knowing that she was right next to me.

Rey's POV

I was uncomfortable, but at the same time I wasn't. It was weird having Kylo right next to me in a bed, but at the same time I liked him having right there. I felt safe. I felt like nothing could hurt me if he is here. Wait, do I have feelings for him? Wow. I do. I've never had feelings for someone like this before. Sure, there's Finn, but he's just a friend. I never really felt anything for him except friendship. But Kylo, I felt unstoppable, like we were meant for something more.

I was having a nightmare. I knew it was a nightmare because it was of the past. It was when my parents left. "Come back! Come back!" Little me said. I couldn't stop crying for almost a month. The sadness, the loneliness, it was all hitting me at once. I couldn't handle it.

I sat straight up, breathing heavily. I looked around. It was just a dream, I told myself. I looked next to me. Kylo was sleeping there peacefully. I smiled. He looked so adorable when he sleeped.

I started to lay back down, when Kylo grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. I pushed backed a little, but then he just pulled me in closer. His face was an inch from mine. He was still asleep. He must think I'm a huge teddy bear. I guess I can't really make him let go of me, cause I don't want to wake him up, so I guess I'll just sleep like this.

I found myself falling asleep much faster in his arms.

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