Chapter 1

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"Relationships are negotiated and if you deal with ultimatums and authority all the time, then you're not going to get anywhere."

--Phil McGraw

"No Ma! I won't agree to be arranged in a marriage!"

"But you need to, dear"

"What?! In order for me to have the things he left to us? In order to fulfill his promise to his best friend?"

"Yes. Your Grandpa won't be happy if you won't agree to this. Remember he promised his bestfriend, Andres Montero that he would unite their wealth through the marriage of their grandchildren. "

"Who cares? He's gone anyway" I shrugged

"Remember you're his favored grandchild and he's a man of his word"

"Yeah yeah whatever" and I rolled my eyes at this silly conversation and twists of events

"Janine, take this seriously" Mama reprimanded me

"Mama, I said, I will never, ever be interested in his wealth and besides Spencer could manage the company. He's the eldest after all."

"Your brother is already married, remember? His wife needs him to manage his wife's family business and your father is very old to take a position in the company. You need a husband to manage our business!"

"I'm just not interested. What?! And you believe that having an arranged marriage can save our company?"

"Janine, don't be stubborn. You're giving me a headache" she said while massaging her temples

"Does Papa know about this?"

"Yes! In fact, he knew about this whole marriage thing"

"What?! I can't believe this! Papa agreed to this? I don't even know who's my groom" I shouted

"You'll get to know him soon"

"No! I won't!"

"I will tell your Papa about this! I'm sure he will not be very happy about your decision"

"Papa will understand, Mama"

"I'm very disappointed of you, Janine!" then she stormed out of the living room.

I sighed. I just can't get the idea of them arranging my marriage! And imagine! Papa knows about this thing! He didn't even bother to tell me! Aaarrrgggghhhh!! I took a deep breath and calmed my raging nerves. Afterwards, I went up to the master's bedroom and knocked thrice.

"Mama?" I said while opening the door. I saw Mama sitting on the bed while turning her back against me.

"Mama, I'll get going now. I still have things to do. Just call me if you need something. Okay?" and I went near her and kissed her cheek. When she didn't move, I went out of the room maybe because I'm afraid she'll bring the topic back. I closed the door with a goodbye to my dearest Mama. I went out of the mansion silently and walked towards my car. It's almost 10:30 pm so I decided to hit the bar. I drove as fast as I can. I didn't bother to call anyone because I need a time to think alone. I didn't know that I arrived already so I immediately parked my car. I stayed for a while inside and wiped my lips to get the lip gloss there and replaced it with my red lipstick. I get out bringing my purse with me. I hate what I'm wearing because it's so formal. A fitting beige dress that stopped mid-thigh. I paired it with red heels. As what I expected, the bar is full. I went straight to the counter and ordered a drink. I was drinking my 5th glass when someone disturbed me.

"Umm. Hello Miss. Mind if I take a seat beside you?"

Although I didn't give an answer, he still sat beside me. It seems like he doesn't mind. I drunk the last drop of liquid and asked for another one.

"Want to drink yourself to death Miss?"

"Yes! Want to know why?"

"No. I think it's a personal issue of yours"

I let my talkative mouth do the talking.

"Because I need to marry a complete stranger in order to have my inheritance! I don't even care about that damn wealth."

"Really? So you didn't agree to marry that stranger? Why?" He asked strangely amused

"Because, Mister I-don't-know-you, he's a nobody!" I shouted

"Really? Who's the lucky guy by the way?" he asked interestingly with a sly smile on his face

"More like the unlucky guy. I don't give a damn about who he is! My decision is final! I won't marry him!" and I asked for another drink. Geez, I'm getting drunk. When my drink arrived, I quickly downed it with one gulp. Then, I asked for another one.

"Woah! Miss, you're very drunk already. Do you have company?"

"Yes! I do have company!" and flashed him my oh-so-sweet smile

"Great! So where are they?" Looking from left to right

"They're here dummy! See!" and I pointed my purse then my heels and my drink

"That's not what I meant"

"I don't effin care about what you mean!" and I ordered another. When the guy gave me the glass, Mister I-don't-know quickly grabbed my glass before I could accept it from the guy.

"Hey! Give it to me!"

"No! It's too much"

"Please. Gimme my drink" and I have that puppy eyes and pouty mouth. Like a kid. I don't think he can resist it.

"Please..." I said again

"No" he said firmly


"No! You've had enough" and he raised the glass even higher. Did he think that he can stop me? Excuse me! This is Janine Franceska Conson! I went down from my stool and grabbed his arm but man! He's strong! He didn't even budge.

"I said, give it to me!"

"I said no!" and I straddled him on his chair

"Woah! Careful, babe. You're giving life to my sleeping junior over there"

"I don't care! Just gimme my drink"


And I continued to get my drink when his phone rang.

"Hold on babe. Hello? Yes. Yes. I found her. She's here. She's drinking herself to death. Okay okay. I'll bring her home." and when he's done answering, I continued my mission in getting my drink. That's when I noticed his handsome features. He has hazel eyes and long lashes. Woah, this guy here is haaawwttt! Then without any further ado, I kissed his pink lips. He didn't respond to me and kept his mouth shut.
Suddenly, I feel like my bile's coming to my throat and there! I puked on his Armani gray suit that screams power and wealth.

"What the-"

"My drink" and that's the last thing I said before I welcomed darkness.

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