Chapter 23

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"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever."

 ― Alfred Tennyson  

Janine's POV

"Yes, Papa?"

"I was planning if you could stay here for the night so that tomorrow you won't be in a rush"

"That sounds great!" I exclaimed

"And bring your dress for tomorrow but if you don't want, we can always buy one"

"I've got something here, Papa. I'll check my closet later" I said

"By the way, I'll invite Adam"

"What? No, no. Don't invite him" I began to slightly panic

"Why?" Papa curiously asked.

"Ugghhh..... We're not really in good terms"

"Not in good terms? How come?"

This is one of the hundred things I don't like about Papa -- he needs to know every single detail he wants to know.

"I... We're just...... I...... Ugghhh..." I stammered, battling a thought with the other, not knowing what to say.

"What have you done this time?!" He roared.

"It's not my fault! Look, we're already grown-ups. We can sort this out. Nothing to worry," I said trying to put calmness on my voice.

"Okay but I'll invite his father. We've been really good friends" he chuckled

His father? Adam's father? I don't think it's a good idea. Last time, he caught Adam and me doing some stuff. It'll be surely awkward if I'll meet him again. I guess I'll just avoid him in the party. Hope it works.

"By the way, I need to go. I still have a meeting later" he sighed

"Yeah. Bye, Papa" and I ended the call.

I proceeded to my bedroom to pack my clothes for tonight. I went over to my underwear section and looked at the varieties of colors and styles of lingeries, bra and panties. Tomorrow, at 3:03 pm in the afternoon, I'll add one to my age. I guess it's time for me to bloom into a lady and be more mature than before.

I looked down at my underwears. I've never worn a lingerie before but I buy them because it's on sale or I just love it. Maybe it's the time to wear one of those.

I picked up the red silky Victoria's Secret lingerie and the lacey black. Will Adam love this colors? Or does he prefer turquoise or other color?

Wait, what am I thinking!? UGH!

Adam's POV

"Hello? Dad? Yes, yes.... What? It's her birthday?! No way!!" He looked at me and I just frowned at him.

"It seems like my ugly brother doesn't know anything..... What? Why me?!! You can have Adam!" He roared "What?! That's unfair. I just met a new chic in town and I planned to go out with her tomorrow night.... Fine, fine. I'll go there for you and for Janine"

My ears perked up to the sound of Janine's name. I scowled at my brother, looking for answers but it seems like he's very engrossed with his conversation with Dad. He went here to annoy me and ask about my life. We we're just in the middle of discussing the ways to ask forgiveness to a girl. I'm so new at this because usually, it's the other way around and I'm known for being feared and mighty so I don't need to worry about those but we're talking about Janine here and it's kinda different when it comes to that woman and I just don't know why. It's like my walls are gone and the infamous 'Adam' is reversed.

"MAYBE I'LL ASK JANINE TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE I THINK SHE HATES MY BROTHER ALREADY" he yelled. I snapped a glare at the idiot in front of me. Good thing my office is soundproof.

"What?" I looked at Alex intently.

"Thank heavens, my brother paid attention to me. Bro, what we're you thinking? I've tried the 'earth to Adam' and the snapping of fingers in front of you but goodness it didn't work"

"Sorry, I spaced out. I was just thinking of how annoying you are"

"Aww, look at my big brother. He loves me very much. Come here brother, let me kiss you" he said and chuckled

"What did Dad say?" I asked with seriousness in my voice

"He just asked me to proxy him tomorrow night" he shrugged

"And what's Janine got to do about this?" I asked

"It's her birthday tomorrow night and her dad is throwing a party for her in the Conson mansion. Dad is invited and you're not" he boisterously laughed.

It's her birthday? She didn't mention anything.

"Dad can't come and he didn't want to turn down his friend so I'll be the one to proxy him. I got my eyes on this chic and I was planning to go out with her tomorrow so I asked Dad about you but he said you have some businesses to do, leaving him with no choice but me. Pfft. How come I'll always be the second option?"

"It's her birthday? How come she didn't say a thing about it!?"

"I don't know. How about you'll be the one to proxy Dad?" Alex asked hopefully

"I'm sorry but I need to fly to Brazil and settle some business there. I will be back the day after tomorrow. I can't loose this one, Alex. It's a major deal to have"

"So I guess it's all me. Poor Alex" he pouted then sighed

"Can you just please shut up? You're immature aura is irritating me"

"A chic just called me baby face" he chuckled.

I just ignored him and pressed my temples to ease the headache coming.

"How about you visit her tonight and give her a present? Maybe it's better to give her a belated-birthday-present last year than to give her an advance present for next year"

"You're brilliant!"

"I am?" He jested "Of course I am!" He laughed.

"But what will I give to her?"

"A jewelry? Most women love it very much" he suggested

"She's not most women. She doesn't wear them very much and maybe she got lots of it because remember, she's an heiress"

"Right. How about lingerie?" He cackled

"What? Absolutely not"

"Diamonds? They're women's best friend"

"You're right! Best friend! Thank you so much! I never expected you to help me"

"You'll give her a diamond?" He scoffed "I think that's a pathetic gesture"

"Of course I won't give her a diamond! I just have the perfect present for her" I grinned.

"I better get going, I still need to find something for her. Can you help me?"

"Alex, I'm busy" I opened my laptop to let him know I don't have time for malling.

"Just suggest something to me. Please. What have you observed when you're with her?"

My heart beats faster than normal everytime I'm with her.

"She loves food"

"Of course everybody does!"

"I heard she loves books" I shrugged

"Then why not give her one?" He asked

"I've got the perfect gift for her okay?"

"Mind if you tell me?"

"It's my secret" I smirked

"I'll just give her a condom" he snickered "because you've never use one before" he cackled out loud before leaving me alone.

Douchébag  -_-

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