Chapter 22

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"A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave." 

  ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love 


Adam's POV

I woke up being lifted up and down. I opened my eyes but closed them right away as I saw the light entering on the window.

I heard a groan. I opened my eyes slowly and adjusted my eyes on the light. I realized that I was lying on my chest and not my back which is very eerie for me because I don't usually sleep like this.

Another groan. Who is groaning? It's starting to get into my nerves. I looked to my right but immediately draw back due to the pounding sensation in my head.

"Oowww" I groaned

"Oh. Glad you're already awake. Mind if you help me?" A familiar female voice said.

"Where are you?" I asked, rubbing my temples.

"Over here, Adam! Below you!" She shouted and I looked down to see Janine being tied to the head board.

"What are you doing there? What is going on?" I asked as another wave of poundings began.

I was supposed to draw myself back and climb off the bed but Janine hissed as soon as I tried to withdraw.

"Adam!!! Oowww!!" She hissed.

"Why? What's wrong?"I asked worriedly.

"Look at yourself" she growled angrily. I looked at myself and realized that I'm naked, sitting on my knees and.... and I am inside Janine!

"Why am I sticking like this? Why are we doing a doggy style early in the morning?" I asked.

"Didn't you remember everything that happened last night?" She asked. I tried closing my eyes but all I could feel is my headache.

"No, I don't remember a thing" I groaned.

"Aaarrrrgggg!!! I dislike you right now!!" She shouted " And last night"

"What happened last night?" I asked

"You barged into my place in a drunken state and began fvcking me all night! You tied me onto the head board so we can have a doggy style but after you burst your orgasm inside me, you plunged your weight on me, making us collapse and I heard you snoring. That's what you did last night." She said angrily

"What about you? Are you hurt?" I asked concerned

"I won't bother to share my agony and sorrow. You'll just waste your precious time. It will take a day or two"

"Look, I'm very truly sorry okay" I said

"I'm not forgiving you" She growled.

"We'll sort this out okay? Let's get out of this awkward position first" I said thinking a way of removing myself inside her. If I withdraw abruptly, I might hurt her because she's not yet wet.

"Think faster, Adam! My body is very sore and I'm very cold already!" She shouted

"I have an idea but it might hurt you and I can't think of another solution" I confessed

"What is that idea?" I heard her stomach growl. Oh, my poor baby girl is hungry and sore. I hate myself for doing this to her. If only I didn't go with my friends last night,  I shouldn't have drink that much.

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