Chapter 13

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"When love is not madness, it is not love."

--Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Janine's POV


Stop bothering me.


Can't you see someone's trying to sleep here?


I opened my eyes and rolled to the bedside table. I found out that my phone was the one ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it's my brother!

"Good morning sunshine." He greeted.

"Hey!" I groggily said

"Sorry to wake you up but I just got some news about the guy you asked me"

"Ah! Yes yes. What is it?" All my weak thoughts jumped out.

"Well, I have a friend that is a girl. I asked her if she could give me a guy and she has a single guy friend. What do you say?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! So, when can I meet him?" I asked suddenly excited

"How about tomorrow? At The Cafe Ragged. 4 pm." He said

"Casual date huh? Okay. I'll be there. Thanks big bro!! Mwah!"

"Anything for you sunshine" and he hang up. I have a guy!!!! I feel so happy about this whole thing. I can't wait to meet him!!!

I looked at the time. 5:48 am. I'm not a morning person but I need to hop off the bed to make it up on Adam. I want to show him that I'm grateful for him.

After I did my morning rituals, I rushed to the kitchen. Today, I'll cook for him. A simple breakfast might not be so bad right? It's my first time to cook for someone. Last time I cooked was freshman highschool. I need to cook for the sake of my grades.

I made my way to his fridge. I don't know what he likes so I don't have a choice but to cook everything I can cook. I grabbed the pancake mix and started mixing. I'm making pancakes!!! And it turned out perfectly good. Next, eggs! How about sunny side up? Maybe he likes it. Maybe not. His fridge has 4 eggs left. I decided to make 1 scrambled egg, 1 omelet, 1 sunny side up and 1 hard boiled. I did everything. Next, sausages! I started cooking sausages whe  the oil 'jumped' on my skin. I totally forgot that sausages usually have the 'jumping oils'.

All I could think is about Adam. This is for Adam. This is for Adam. This is for Adam. This is for Adam. This is for Adam. You need to sacrifice for this thing. You owe him a lot.

I repeated the mantra until I visualized myself that I could really do it. See it, do it. I keep on biting my lip to avoid shouting because of the pain every time an oil splashes on my skin. My arms are very sore and I could see red spots everywhere. I didn't mind my arms. They'll heal in time. When I saw the sausages are a little overcooked, I just sighed. At least I did my best. I looked at my phone to check the time. 6:16 am. Too early. It only took me 5 minutes to have the plating. I placed the meals on the table and waited for him to come. Once I settled on a chair, my eyes instantly became so heavy and I was consumed by a dark, dark abyss.

Adam's POV

7:49 am. I hissed at myself. I'm late already! 8:30 am is my work but I usually wake up at 6:30 am. Besides, I promised myself yesterday that by 7:30 am, my ass should be in my office already but 7:48? I'm still here in my bed. I still have a lot of work to do! Maybe I won't be having any breakfast at all. I took a quick  shower and dressed myself. I was really in a hurry. I didn't mind to comb my hair because I'm running late. I still have a meeting with one of my clients this 8:50 am! And I haven't prepared my presentation yet. I sent a quick text to my secretary to prepare a report for me. My tie is not really done well.

I ran down the stairs skipping two steps at a time. I made my way to the kitchen to get a piece of loaf but I saw a goddess sleeping on the table. My eyes fell on the plates. Did she cook? For me? But why? All of a sudden, she woke up.

"Adam? Hey! Glad you're here. I cooked for you. Come have breakfast" she said. But I'll be late for work.

I told myself that I would be skipping breakfast but the mere fact that she cooked for me is very unbelievable. All the thoughts in my mind were thrown outside and I just enjoyed this moment with her.

Janine's POV

Adam ate the meals I served with gusto.

"I don't know what you like so I cooked everything I could think of." I stated

"Do you usually cook?" He asked grabbing a pancake.

"Honestly, this is my second time to cook. The first time was during highschool" I confessed sheepishly.

"Thank you for cooking. I didn't expect you to cook. I thought you don't know how to cook, I mean that's the last thing I expected from a rich heiress like you." I just smiled at his words.

"The sausages are a little overcooked. I'm sorry. I did my best but I just-" I uttered.

"Hey, it's fine. I love it. Thank you." He said while standing up. I saw his tie was badly done.

"Let me fix your tie" I offered. I'm pro with ties because I am usually the one who does my father's and my brother's. I gazed at his tie because I can't look at him in the eye.

"There. All done" I speaked. I was going to put my arms down but he took my arms. I hissed at the pain because he just touched the sore part where the oil landed.

"What happen to these?" He declared. I just looked at my toes.

"O.. Oil" Once I let the words out of my mouth, he gently lead me to the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the tub while he took some ointments and applied it to the affected areas. I keep hissing due to the painful feelings.

"Why did you even cook?" He growled

"I need to... Because..... Owww!.... Ouch! Because... I.... Awww!! I like to." For you. I want to add.

"Don't do this again okay? Don't ever hurt yourself again. Your dad will kill me if he knows that I let you cooked"

He's such a nice person. Adam is very great. Who would think that he will be like this? A man applying ointment to a simple woman? More good side and I'll like him more. Damn. I won't let myself fall. He already has Cornelia. And Cornelia is very lucky to have him.

If only......

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