Chapter 10

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"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."

--Petet Ustinov

Adam's POV

It's been 3 weeks. I haven't heard nor seen Janine or Blythe. I knew they're doing good. I didn't bother to ask anyof them. For the past 3 weeks, I keep going to the bar and have some intercourse with different women everyday but I can't come to my orgasm not unless I'll imagine the woman I am with will be Janine. I know I'm fucked up as hell and I need someone to talk to. I grabbed my Iphone and texted him.

Meet me at Razoon's later for lunch. Need to say important. Hope you're in town. Reply ASAP.
And I pressed the send button. I set my phone aside and focused on my work. Being a CEO of a car seller is not that easy. I still have to check on my new car that will be released next next month. I was going to open another folder when my phone beeped signalling a text.

Hey! Fortunately, I'm still in town. My flight to Hong Kong will still be tomorrow. Anyway, I'll be there. See you!

A smile is playing on my lips. Anyway, I still finished my work. I opened my laptop to check my email when something caught my attention. It's a picture of a boy and a girl I've been really familiar. I clicked on it and when the page loaded, my chest clenched.


I frowned at the headline. I knew Blythe had been dating Janine for this past 3 weeks but why did this occur now? I mean why not sooner or later? Or even earlier? Well, I don't care. Blythe didn't say anything about breaking up 2 months ago. I scrolled down to read the meat.

The billionaire Blythe Ravi Valloso was seen in a restaurant with a gorgeous girl last night. It seems like they have been dating lately. But the question is, did Blythe really moved on after the major break up with the hot and famous model, Francine Hilton? Who is this gorgeous girl? And where did he found her? To find out more, just tune in for more recent updates.

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