Chapter 20

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"If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything." 

 ― Marilyn Monroe  

Adam's POV

5 minutes before lunch. I can't wait to find out the result of my plan. I canceled the lunch meeting I was supposed to be having because I need to attend to some 'business'. Actually, I called my secretary when Janine and I were having breakfast at my place. She was wondering when will I show up in the office because at that time, I'm already late for office. Then, I faked a call to Christinna saying we will be meeting at some restaurant down the street and to my satisfaction, I saw Janine's eyes held some fire and jealousy. Sometimes, she's easy to read and there are times that she'll just be moody and act like some kind of dragon was in her.

I buzzed my secretary in the intercom and seconds later, I heard my door open.

"I'll be leaving now. If anyone asks where am I, tell them that I need to settle somethings" I stated.

"Yes sir" she replied and walked out the door.

I arranged my things amd eventually went outside to the restaurant. I went to the parking lot and made my way to my Ferrari car.

Janine's POV

I looked at my surroundings and watched every person going inside the restaurant. I don't know what's the face of the creature Adam was talking to during breakfast. I'm too lazy to search for her in the internet so I decided to follow them here in the restaurant.

The chime on the door sounded signalling that someone has entered. I looked at who was it and my breath jumped out of the window. Good cow, he looks absolutely hot in his black Armani suit. He turned his head, left to see someone. I was on the right part of the resto and I settled for the corner so I think he hasn't seen me. Yet. I hope he'll be fooled with my appearance--thick makeup. I tried to check out my surroundings to see whether the girl is here or not but instead, I ended up checking him out. I assessed his appearance from head to toe. I looked back at his eyes and to my surprise he looked at me. I saw him smile and walked to my direction. I roamed my eyes at every person here but I haven't seen a lone woman near my table because most of it is empty or occupied by two or more people.

I keep on checking my surroundings to avoid myself feom looking at him but to my agitation, I found out that every woman--young and old--under this roof is looking intently at the person walking towards me.

"Hey wassup?" He said, pulling the chair in front of me so he could sit. I swallowed the lump building in my throat and tried my very best to change my voice.

"Hello. I think you've mistaken me for someone. I actually don't know you" I said in a squeeky sound.

He chuckled, "I'll never forget your eyes"

"Are you drunk sir? I don't think we already met" I said as sweat started to form.

"Beneath all the makeup you applied, I still know you" he smirked "Janine"

"My name is not Janine sir. It's uuuhhhh.... Cleop- Cleo" I said. Why do I keep on using Cleopatra's name???

"Why are you here" He growled.

"I'm sorry but I really don't know you sir" I said trying for the very last time. I could feel my sweat rolling down on my brow.

"Would you drop this bullshit or I'll make a scene" he threatened.

Aaarrrggghhh... I hate public scenes.

"Okay, I give up" I sighed "I dined here okay? To meet someone" I lied.

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