CID5-Instant Human

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Chapter 5..........Instant Human

                The smell of my mother's pancakes drifted to my nose. I sighed at the wonderful fragrance.  As I stirred awake I felt a strong arm around my back and I found my head on a well muscled chest. I almost jumped out of my skin forgetting about the whole sleeping arrangement, dilemma last night. That reminded me I would have to get Jessie back. That could wait though. For some strange reason I was content to stay right where I was. I looked up at Scott. He really was cute when he was asleep. His hair was all tossed in disarray.  As I was going to close my eyes I saw a flash and heard some snickering. I sat up in the bed just in time to see Jessie run out of the room with a camera in hand.

                "Jessie!!!" I screamed waking up Scott in the process.  I jumped out of the bed and ran after her.  "Jessie come back here with that camera."

                Jessie, who was running down the hallway, glanced back in my direction.  She smiled that evil smile and said, "Never!!!  Now I have proof that my big sister isn't so innocent." She laughed and kept running through the house.  I ran after until we reached the kitchen.

                "Now, what is all of the commotion?" my mother asked. "Girls you know there is no running in the kitchen. Most of all I shouldn't have to be getting on to you at your age."  My mother was making breakfast and my father sat at the table drinking his coffee. "Girls sit down and act your age breakfast is almost ready."

                "Yes sit down," my father stated. "It's way too early for all of that racket."

                Jessie and I joined our brother at the table. I sat a cross from Jessie, so I had a clear shot at kicking her under the table. Which I did. Jessie just gave me an evil stare and started to rub her knee under the table.  Scott was the next to join our group at the table. His hair was still a mess. He looked as if he were still half asleep.

                "Scott, why don't you get you some coffee." my father stated. "I find that I'm not fully awake until I have at least one cup of coffee." I laughed when I saw that my father was wearing his "Instant Human" shirt, which ironically had the symbol of a cup of coffee on it.

                "Well I pretty sure you could get Claire to get you a cup, for doesn't she already know how you like your coffee?" John David said. I wasn't sure how to take that comment. I knew he was just trying to stir crap.

                "Nah, I can get it. I'm real easy to please, I like my coffee black," Scott said. He went over to the counter where the coffee cups laid on the counter.  When he fixed him a cup of coffee he returned to the table.

                "BREAKFAST!!!!!" my mother yelled as she came to the table carrying a huge plate of pancakes. John David helped her by bringing over the sausage, bacon, and eggs. Karen was behind him with the orange juice and milk. It wasn't long until Noah came down the stairs carrying both Carlie and Henry.  

                "Yay!!!! Pancakes!!!" Henry screamed causing Noah to flinch.

                "Please have some respect for the dead," Noah softly stated looking at Henry. Noah placed Henry and Carlie down, and they ran over to John David and Karen who were sitting at the bar.

                "I take it you didn't sleep well?" Scott asked grinning.

                "You have no idea," Noah groaned. "I vote to remove all caffeine and sugar from their diets. That way all of us can get a goodnight's sleep."

                "You just dealt with them for one night, try living with them all of the time," Karen chuckled. I laughed when I saw Noah face turn from relaxed to uneasy.

                "I love them and everything, but I'll pass," Noah replied. "I've also decided to not have kids anytime soon."

                "Awe, I bet Tracey will be so disappointed," John David said with mock sweetness. Noah just waved off the comment.

"Hey, I blame John David for every one of the twins' bad behaviors," Karen teased.

                "And what do you mean by that? I thought you married me because you loved me for who I am," John David questioned.

                "Oh don't be fooled she married you for the money," Jessie teased as Ben sat down beside her. I glanced at Scott who was laughing at my family's soft banter. Maybe this weekend won't be so bad.  Just then we said grace and we all dug in.

                The ride up to the cabin was very interesting, seeing as it was Ben and Jessie in the front seat with Noah, Scott, and myself squished into the back seat. Scott put his arm around me so I could have some more room. You guessed it I was stuck in the middle. All the way to the cabin I caught Jessie glancing in the mirror towards me and Scott. I could swear it was toward Scott more than me though.  I felt like I was being held under surveillance. Then out of nowhere Scott kissed me on the forehead, and Jessie quickly turned her head away.

                "Yuck!!" Noah mumbled while rolling his eyes. "Ace if you don't mind, I would rather not throw up my breakfast."

                "Oh whatever," I stated while I nudged him in the ribs.

                As we traveled up the side of the mountain white flurries started to land on the windows of the car. It was truly a beautiful sight. As we passed other cabins you saw where families had been out in the yards. There were all kinds of snowmen, each one having its own style. One family had gone all the way and created a snowman family. It was adorable.

                "Beautiful," I sighed.

                We finally came to the cabin and John David's van was already there. As the guys grabbed the suitcases, Jessie and I worked our way inside. The cabin was beautifully decorated, and looked a lot bigger on the inside than on the outside.

                "What do you think?" my mother asked smiling.

                "It's really pretty," I replied right at the time my sister said big. We all laughed.

                "What are all you chicks laughing about?" my father said as he entered the room.

                "Oh just how silly our two girls are," My mother replied as she went and hugged my father.

                The guys came in with arm loads of luggage sounding like a bunch of bulls in a china shop. They piled the mountain of luggage in the front hall of the cabin. Even Henry had helped carrying what looked like one of his mother's bags inside the cabin.

                "So what do we do now?" John David asked.

                "Well I guess I'll give out room assignments. Even though I know how well those worked out last time," my mother stated. I thought my checks were on fire. It was Jessie's fault.  I looked around me and my brothers had amusing smiles on their faces.

                "Okay so let's get that over with, for I know I'm already stuck with the twins," Noah grumbled.

                "Okay well,  Your father and I will stay in the room to the left,  the twins and Noah will stay in the room to the right, John David and Karen will share the room in between those two, and  Jessie, Anna Claire, Scott, and Ben can share the den," My mother ordered.

                "Are we sleeping on the floor?" Jessie asked.

                "Wish you were sleeping with twins now don't you?" Noah teased. "We have bunk beds." Jessie stuck her tongue out at Noah.

                "No the two couches turn into beds," My mother replied. "And this way we can keep an eye on you." She stared straight at Jessie. I chuckled, for Jessie deserved that spine tingling stare from Mamma. "Oh I have eye on you too, Anna Claire, I saw that picture. We are going to have a talk later." Oh great just what I needed. I need to stop letting Jessie push me around, for when she does I always get in trouble.  Well here goes nothing.

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