CID7-Pink is Not My Color

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Chapter 7........Pink is Not My Color

Morning came once again as did every morning. I sat on the back porch as I watched the sun rise. It was breath taking to see the beautiful pieces of art God made. I sipped at my hazelnut coffee then I heard the squeak of the screen door. I saw my sister sluggishly look at me.

"What are you doing up so early?" Jessie moaned sitting in the chair next to me.

"Just watching God's marvelous work," I replied, "What are you doing up so early?"

She looked at me and giggled, "I love Ben, but his snoring has to go."

Laughed with my sister, if only she knew what she sounded like when she was asleep. I pushed through many nights growing up, where many pillows were thrown to shut her up.

"It is beautiful isn't it?" Jessie asked. I just nodded my head.

I continued to sit there and gaze at the sun slowly rising bringing color to everything with its beams. The more we sat there in silence the more the question came to my attention. I looked over a Jessie.

"What is there something on my face? I'm sure my hair is a sight to see," Jessie stated.

I smiled weakly. I couldn't ask her, it would be weird, but then again when would I have time to catch her alone.

"Earth the Claire," Jessie laughed as she waved her hand in my face.

"Well, I kind of have a question for you," I rambled.

"Well, I kind of have an answer for you," She laughed.

"You promise not to look at me strange, or laugh at me?" I asked.

"Claire, I'll always look at you strange, and as for not laughing at you, there are no guarantees," Jessie smiled teasingly. What would I do without her teasing? Probably a lot of good, but I still loved her.

"Okay, I wanted to know how you knew Scott. I mean you already knew his name, when you walked in the door," I stated. I watched carefully as if Jessie was going to blow up at any minute.

"Well, yes I already knew him, but as of how is really embarrassing," She replied fiddling with the loose strings on her sweater.

"Oh come on you can tell me," I smiled encouragingly.

"Okay well I met him on a blind date, and it ended up being a dud. No sparks at all. So when I saw you two together, I was curious," She admitted.

I grabbed my jaw from off the floor. My younger sister went on a date with my fake boyfriend. And to top it all off, I'm fake dating one of my sister's dud dates. I bet she's laughing on the inside.

"Oh it gets better," My sister stated. "He was one of my professors my last spring."

"What!" I yelled. "What class were you taking?"

She thought for a moment. "I think it was one of my essential classes, maybe World Lit," she stated.

"Well, that information made the beginning of my day interesting," I stated shocked. I realized the world really was a small world.

By lunch time the snow on the ground was slowly drifting away, and the ladies were headed off to do some shopping.

"Are you seriously going to leave me here alone with them?" Scott asked. "What if they start asking me about how we met or all that other junk?"

I smiled, at his helpless expression. "Let me think, I'm pretty sure a World Lit. Professor at Vanderbilt can come up with some kind of realistic fiction," I smiled triumphantly.

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