Epilogue-Dreams Really Do Come True

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Epilogue.....Dreams Really Do Come True


(5 years Anniversary)

So by now I'm sure you realize that I finally got my ending for my book. My book also became a best-seller. Well that is a best-seller in my hometown; remember I am almost related to everyone. Anyways Scott and I got married and then decided to move to the western border of Mississippi. We agreed that it was right smack dab in the middle of our two families. Scott stared to teach at a nearby high school, and taught night classes at the community college. I on the other hand still wrote for the Austin Chronicle, just from home. Scott and I couldn't be any happier.

Then Anisely came into our lives. She was our wedding gift to each other. We just had to wait nine months later to receive her. But she's a mess. I can't believe she started school this year. Every day she rides to school with her daddy.

Oh but my days aren't empty for two years after Anisely was born, I was blessed with Cooper. He is as mean as a snake, but I blame it on his daddy. Who denies having a mean bone in his body, but his sisters have testified that he was a mean little kid.

A year after Cooper, we were blessed for the third time with Will. He's momma's little man. I'm content with that myself. He's so sweet, the angel of the family, but not the baby. I know what you're thinking. Is she crazy? Maybe I am, but it was never a question if Scott and I were going to have a big family. We both came from one and we both wanted one. Hope is the baby of the family at four months old. Yes our life is crazy, but we still love each other. Scott comes in from work and Cooper and Will are taking naps. Scott helps Anisely with homework while I start super. After super bath time starts. I give baths while Scott heads off to teach his night classes. When he returns the kids are asleep, and he stays up to grade papers. Then when he is finished we have the night to ourselves, until Hope wakes up crying. This wakes up Cooper and Will, and finally wakes up Anisely. Scott puts them back to sleep while I tend to Hope. When Hope is content once again, Scott and I are with each other once again. When we are sure all is quiet, is when I tell him I love him.

"So you never told me, did you finally get that happy ending of yours?" he asks teasingly.

I smile thinking trying to make him sweat a little. "Hm. No," I reply

"What?" He states faking hurt.

"I got a new beginning," I correct him smiling. "I plan on spending the rest of my life with you, and I'm not dying any time soon, so my story is nowhere near ending."

He smirks and kisses me. "Good because I have the exact same plan."

"Great minds think alike you know," I state.

Laughing he says, "I knew I like you for some reason."

It's true my story is nowhere near the end and it's only begun, but the only thing I need to know to keep me content is that I'll have Scott with me for the rest of my life, and forever. So if my story did happen to have an ending, I guess you could say that I lived crazily, hectically, and lovingly ever after.


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