CID15-Hidden Inspiration From Shakespeare the Master of Love Himself

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Chapter 15.... Hidden Inspiration From Shakespeare the Master of Love Himself

(Claire's P.O.V.)

I woke up from the strangest dream in my entire life. I dreamed that I had gotten married. I literally watched myself get married. I saw my family all there. My sister helped me get ready, my mother was crying, my father was even tearing up. I heard the piano start to play the wedding march, and I turned around bouquet in hand and my father walked me do the isle. I glanced at familiar faces as I made my way to the front of the church. Not once glancing to see who the groom was. Deep down in my heart I knew it was Scott. When my father handed me over to my groom, it was not Scott's hand that held mine, it was Zach's.

That was when I started to scream and jolted awake. It was 10 o'clock, and I was by myself once again. There were no arms lovingly surrounding me. There was no body next to mine that seemed to just naturally fit. No I was alone. And I began to cry once again. I wiped away one tear and then I cleared my throat. I guess this was God's way of saying no. I laid back on the couch, and my head hit something hard. I reached behind me and found my journal.

How did that get back there? Then I remembered Scott had been reading something. What if the journal scared him off? Way to go genius. I truly wanted to just stay in from work for the next week. I didn't want to have to face Sarah, and explain why we left early. I'm sure she took it the wrong way. But I can't help that. I just hid my face in my pillow and went back to sleep.

(Scott's P.O.V.)

The plane ride home was so silent. Well it was silent because I was zoned in on other things. Claire just constantly ran through my mind. There had to be some way of getting her back. This couldn't be the end. So I did something I hadn't done in a long time. I prayed.

Dear Lord,

I know it has been a long time since the last time we have talked. Lord I just pray that you would forgive me for my sins. If that is the reason that you are not allowing Claire and me to be together than I pray you will just see my pleading heart. I am a changed man. I want to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful woman you put in my life. I want to protect her from harm's way, and share her ups and downs. But I know that you are the only one to make this evenly slightly possible. Lord I need a miracle. Amen.

"Aw you have troubles sonny?" an older gentleman from across the aisle asked me.

I chuckled, "Is it that obvious?"

"Nah, but when I see men praying they are either just going through the motions because they are in trouble, or they actually have something burdening them," he stated. "By the way you were praying I would say you actually have something bothering you. Don't get me wrong I enjoy seeing young people that enjoy religion. It gives me hope in my old age, but is it a girl?"

I looked at him amazed how he knew what my problem was. I guess I was just a really easy person to read. The only thing that bothered me was why did this one man worry about my problems? So I just decided to amuse him and keep talking to him.

"Yes, there is this wonderful girl back home," I sighed remembering Claire's beautiful face.

"You're engaged? No?" the man asked smiling.

I sighed, "No Sir, we are not, and I think I'm making the biggest mistake in my life by boarding this plane and leaving her behind."

"Well what's the problem, just catch the first plane back and go and propose to the girl!" he exclaimed. This made a few people look in our direction.

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