CID8-"Ex"-Centeral Station

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Chapter 8........"Ex"-Central Station

"Zach Jones?" my mother questioned. "Get over here and give me a hug!"

"Yes Ma'am," Zach replied and made his way to hug my mother. He pretty much looked the same since the last time I saw him. Drat!! Hopefully if I keep quiet he won't see me.

"Well how's your mother doing?" my mother asked smiling.

"She's doing well thank you," Zach chuckled. "We were actually doing some last minute Christmas shopping, but we kinda got separated."

"What a coincidence, so are we," my mother squealed. "Oh I haven't seen her in what seems like forever. What are ya'll doing back in Alabama?"

"Well Kennedy is going to college at the University of Alabama, so Mom and Dad moved to Huntsville so they could be closer to their baby. A lot had to do with they also missed Alabama," Zach replied.

I could just imagine his sparkling smile, but I remain looking down at my half eaten piece of pizza.

"Oh my stars, I'm so happy," my mother stated eagerly. "Zach you must come over and visit us sometime."

"Yes, and I know Mom would enjoy catching up with you as well," Zach said.

"Wait I have an idea. Ya'll should come visit us at the cabin. Oh your mother knows where it's at," my mother requested.

"What?" right then I looked up from my hiding place. I cannot believe my mother just invited him to our cabin. What in the world is she thinking? Oh yeah she's not!!!

"Anna. Is that you?" Zach asked smiling.

I looked in his direction and automatically regretted it. All of the feelings I had been holding back made me feel like I was about to explode while they flashed back to my memory. "Hi Zach," I fake smiled. Don't let him affect you, too late.

Zach's phoned went off blocking any train of thought. "Mrs. Edwards, I'll give Mom your invitation. I'm sure she'll be excited that I ran into you," Zach stated. "Oh and Anna I'll talk to you later.

"Great!" I grumbled under my breath. I couldn't even imagine what was about to happen. My ex-boyfriend, which broke my heart, and my fake boyfriend under the same roof. Can you spell disaster?

"Jim put some more cookies in the oven, we're going to be having company," my mother stated over the phone. My holidays were officially ruined.

As my mother scurried around the house cleaning she had me cooking more goodies.

"Do we have any vanilla flavoring?" I shouted. We really didn't need any more treats it's just a nervous habit of mine. One year I cooked a three layer cake with homemade buttercream icing just because I thought I failed a midterm.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Scott asked startling me, and making me throw my cup of flour all over the front of his shirt. Not to mention I also spilled all of the other ingredients on the counter in the process. I slipped on eggs, and Scott fell in the process of catching me. I landed with a thud on his chest.

"Owe!" I shouted.

"I agree with you one hundred percent. I would also make the guess that your middle name is not Grace?" Scott teased. As we made our way up from the floor I shoved Scott back down.

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